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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. seems to me YOU are just looking at the articles you want. food prices are already rising because of biofuels. The US gov't and businesses are "encouraging" 3rd world countries to provide biofuels at the expense of the environment, and their own people (e.g. Brazil). It's all over the place. But I guess it's easier to hum a simplistic mantra "biofuels are the answer". there is no silver bullet
  2. About $200k a year in unpaid taxes. "unlocking the payscale" only makes the problems disappear in a Cato Institute paper. If you want to sustain skilled employment you need to be willing to pay for people when times are poor. Sweet! Time for a career change.
  3. I've had some experience w/ public sector jobs in IT. Basically the folks in those positions are paid less to do FAR less. Expectations are extremely low as is the output. The caliber of the applicant is lower than in the private sector, and even good folks stagnate in the public sector. Those jobs pay less, but the ROI is much worse on balance than in the private sector (of course YMMV). And there is little oversight, and nobody ever gets fired. Some large companies are very similar to public sector jobs (except for better pay).
  4. use Google: http://un-environmental-initiatives.suite101.com/article.cfm/potential_biofuel_problems
  5. biofuels suck ass
  6. increased worldwide usage and a peaked production output. it ain't gonna get better. And no, Hillary or Obamalamadingdong ain't gonna fix shit. So who will? Old man McCain? Nobody can fix it. Prices will continue to go up. We'll all be driving less, but it will be difficult to not spend more even cutting back. People making less will suffer the most.
  7. Every time I see a single-occupancy Hummer or big ass SUV I want to puke.
  8. increased worldwide usage and a peaked production output. it ain't gonna get better. And no, Hillary or Obamalamadingdong ain't gonna fix shit.
  9. Eco-fascists? What do they have to do with gas prices? My understanding is the recent increases were due to OPEC. The people who think it's "good" for prices to go up. Way up. They should be happy. I didn't say there are to blame, but are certainly creaming their pants with delight. Yeah, this will show America! This is what America needs! F-k yeah!
  10. Yeah, every guy wants to know just what she does to be worth $1000's an hour.
  11. I've noticed that nobody wants to drive anymore for the carpool... immediately mileage comes up, and the price of gas. Before ... it was never a big deal. Someone would drive and we'd all give the driver a couple of bucks or buy him a beer or lunch afterwards.
  12. $3.57. The eco-fascists dream has come true! Wait until labor day, it'll be well over $4.
  13. Yoga is smarter than the average bear.
  14. larry craig that's foot tapping, not finger tappin, you asscandle!
  15. prole would hump Lenin's mummy if he had a chance. Yeah dude, she's a milf. here's some spank material for you
  16. You need 13 coils.
  17. Yeah, I posted that photo because I hate France. Dumbass.
  18. sorry, i lack the spraythority to do that. even if i had the spray power to do it, i'm not sure kevbone should be banished. somedays i'm in a pissy mood and like to kick warm puppies. kevbone saves me from the animal cruelty charges I thought you were omnipotent. please, for the love of humanity, I can't take seacocks anymore!
  19. the Poles spend 1/4 as much and get equivalent scores. f-k yeah!
  20. If a given skillset won't generate a return sufficient to generate any profits (Help: Total Comp/Hour = $20. Labor value added/hour = $10. Operating loss from labor/hour = $10), how do you propose to fund the said benefits and wages. In reality. Here. Now. Yes, see, this is a lanuage I understand. I worked in a public elementary school for a year and the inefficiency drove me insane and forced me to move to higher ed. I kept thinking that if only we could have the students be generating a product(s) AS part of the learning process, the schools could actually afford good teaching supplies/aids/experiences and - hate to say it - more competent teachers! Everyone would benefit. Except for the slacker teachers who would have to find jobs better suited to them. I was actually just talking about private sector workers here, but... Maybe we should consider outsourcing primary and secondary education to the Finn's... No, the answer (as always) is to raise taxes and spend more!
  21. Like a toll booth attendant? That'd be a perfect job for Prole as well.
  22. Please, don't encourage that moron. Hey, could you make a special forum for boner and seacocks and ban them to that forum, where they can babble harmlessly amongst themselves?
  23. That's only because, as one of Rush's mouth breathing minions, you've only been hearing of late all the horrible evil things Barack Obama is going to do to destroy this country, since he seems most likely to be running against McCain- for now. The second Hillary gains the upper hand, you'll suddenly be shoveled a whole new pile of Hillary=AntiChrist (which she is, actually) info to make sure you make the correct voting choice this fall. How was the lineup for the Matterhorn? Were conditions good? Seahawks as already posted his "Hillay Collage" image multiple times. He has yet to post any photo of the alpine environment.
  24. dude, it's a climbing site. do you actually fucking climb? If not, why are you here?
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