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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. KaskadskyjKozak

    Old Tuna?

    preferably with botulism
  2. KaskadskyjKozak

    Old Tuna?

    I thought this thread was about a new senior-fetish for the thread's author.
  3. I plan on participating heavily in the gas-out on June 29th. I encourage everyone to swing by their local Del Mar Taco on the 28th to get a head start.
  4. Also, I studied Beckey, Vol 1, 3rd ed., pg 251 before the trip. Didn't help, and still doesn't.
  5. before or after my morning dump?
  6. Trip: Cashmere Crags - High Priest and Temple Date: 6/20/2008 Trip Report: The Plan: Fri - approach via Snow Lakes trailhead and Nada lake. Camp in Tamarack meadows. Sat - climb High Priest first (N face) and Temple second (W side) Sun - hike out in the morning Summary Report: FAIL Detailed Report: Fri - got our asses kicked on the approach with (too) heavy packs and set up camp at the first nice spots in Temple canyon (around 6000 feet). I will not say how slow we were. It was slow. The weather was nice (a bit hot) and there were few bugs though. Sat - hiked up to Tamarack meadows, slowly and painfully working up the snow and snow melt, cross-country. At Tamarack meadows I convinced myself I was looking at Temple as seen on the left in the photo below: My partner wanted to traverse west and see how far the ridge extended. We did and he convinced me that we could see Prusik and Prusik pass and that the peak I identified as Temple was actually not Temple, and the peak to the right of it (see photo above) is High Priest. I then convinced myself of this as well. We followed approach instructions to a small bench with trees, roped up, and then proceeded to get thrashed - both by harder lines than we were expecting and by intermittent rain showers. Either we were on the wrong peak, or were off route from the start. We couldn't find any blocky low 5.x route (up to 5.5), and tried powering over harder stuff in climbing boots for two half-pitches before finally giving up. We bailed, rapping into a steep snow-filled gulley in the photo above. We ascended that a bit, then scrambled to the top on rocks. The summit was lichen covered and didn't look too visited. We looked at surrounding peaks, but that didn't help with our bearings, so we scrambled down to to Tamarack Meadows. By then our on-and-off weather was getting worse, and it was past 3 pm, so we went back to camp. Here is a view from the summit of the peak we climbed to the peak on its left (West): Sun: woke up early and hiked out defeated. Gear Notes: Ice axe, crampons (didn't need), picket or two (didn't need), small alpine rack Approach Notes: Snow above 6000 feet. Mostly make your own trail.
  7. Well, you can yank me and you can crank me, but don't you wake up and don't you try to thank me.
  8. It was different in the post-Stalin era
  9. They had jobs, food, and shelter. Quality of life sucked though.
  10. By whom? The innuit?
  11. 1) I don't think you can legitimately call it "cut and run" at this point. We've been there years, and didn't bail at the first sign of trouble,or the second, or the 100th for that matter. 2) why leave now? Too much money sunk into an artificial, stagnant status quo
  12. when you are a newb, listen (and read) more and talk less
  13. After summitting Rainer via the Emmons we gratefullly topped off at Camp Curtis which was a sketchy scramble that year. There was a dude standing there. He asked us if we'd seen some people whom he described. Nope. He told us he'd hiked up there solo to meet them and waited for a while and was going to leave. And, oh, by the way he'd brought a six-pack of pepsi which he'd set in the snow to chill... and we could have it.
  14. and write manifestos?
  15. I couldn't see the whole route from the col up to the summit, but what I saw looks pretty melted out now.
  16. true, that
  17. I was planning a trip to the N. side so I didn't ask. According to the web page, the South Side access is still not good and will not be until probably mid-July at the earliest.
  18. why, did you bite the dust?
  19. yeah, but Rob is a sicko
  20. man, you guys really are grasping for straws. yeah, I remember the "story" now. Whoopie-fucking-do!
  21. what the *hell* is *that*
  22. Move this thread to where it belongs.
  23. I just called the ranger station. There is apparently 2-3' snow up to 5 miles of the Killen Creek TH, and no good turnouts to park at there (or even close by). The person I talked with said it will probably be 3-4 weeks before the road melts out to the TH.
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