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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. until you have to fill out an offensive form or jump through some other hoop, eh?
  2. Where exactly would you fit in? Seems like nowhere suits you, Mr. Perpetual Melancholy.
  3. The number of decent Americans stays about the same. You may think your marxist revolution is at hand, but your ilk is limited in number, not growing. But keep on with your fantasy it that gets you through the day-to-day.
  4. For people who deserve it, hell yes. For a worthless fuck like you, never. And I'm not kidding.
  5. Yeah . . . and you and KKK would cheer while hiding behind your mamas' skirts. i certainly wouldn't lift a finger to help you while the terrorists slit your throat. Especially if it was raining! rain or shine, maggot. fucks like you don't deserve defense or anyone's sacrifice
  6. Yeah . . . and you and KKK would cheer while hiding behind your mamas' skirts. i certainly wouldn't lift a finger to help you while the terrorists slit your throat.
  7. there's a third way. duh. No, obviously not.
  8. yeah, you "school" me. you're like a tick, a louse, or a mosquito: an annoying insect that sucks blood, and has little purpose in life and deserves to be burned off, picked with a comb and crushed, or simply swatted. Wow, you are the undisputed king of teh internet BBS. I am sure your parents are real proud of you. Good thing you could just yell to tell them considering you live in their basement. Any of these 3 quotes could be said about any of the 3 posters. you're so above the fray, HC.
  9. only with an early check out time rob's a 20 second wonder. will that work?
  10. minx: i know you like flipping boner shit, but that's kind of harsh
  11. Hopefully with the top down. what a surprise... boner gets off when pink goes topless
  12. would you pay if domesticated gays and lesbians picked the place for a picnic? yeah, but not as much, and only if they brought a quiver full of children feral gays and lesbians would be the most entertaining
  13. i prefer vagina yoga
  14. would you pay if domesticated gays and lesbians picked the place for a picnic?
  15. exactly. but seriously I give a +1 to those commenting on the importance of self-belay.
  16. OK, forget everything I said about handling them. I don't do that. In fact, I have never touched an avocado. no surprise. vienna boy's choir, or born a eunuch?
  17. 700,000+ think it's a good idea to take meth. the planet is replete with clueless fuckwads.
  18. the Democrat party.
  19. What or who is an American hater group? Someone who does not agree with you? I tend to feel if you don’t hold this administration accountable for it dealings…..it will open itself up for dictatorship in the future. If this administration has done nothing wrong than they should not be afraid of an inquisition…..right? an America hater is someone who calls our soldiers "idiots". for example.
  20. you need to do a little less smoking.
  21. I'll dip first; you can have sloppy seconds.
  22. did he slip you the tongue?
  23. getting moderated again????
  24. yeah, you "school" me. you're like a tick, a louse, or a mosquito: an annoying insect that sucks blood, and has little purpose in life and deserves to be burned off, picked with a comb and crushed, or simply swatted.
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