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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. this is actually awesome news. less tourons to run into!
  2. f-ing newbs...
  3. somebody call the waaaaaahhhhbulance!!!
  4. sowing the ground with salt = contemporary republican environmental policy they have a policy?
  5. Easy Pass off Hwy 20 near Rainy Pass - like Cascade Pass but no people. heather pass maple pass loop is good too. start early or late to avoid crowds
  6. Fucking Yuppy The only mobility I have is downward, and i'm not young so thats not me. Besides, you're the one who mentioned Jim Bean. Stop hurting my liberal feelings! I thought yuppies drink chardonnay? bad riesling and white zin
  7. more apropos than scornful tease! now get off your ass and climb!!!
  8. you missed his clever play on words
  9. can we get back to talking about global warming now?
  10. Fucking Yuppy The only mobility I have is downward, and i'm not young so thats not me. Besides, you're the one who mentioned Jim Bean. Stop hurting my liberal feelings! I thought yuppies drink chardonnay?
  11. ah, sarcasm, along with cynicism, and passive-agressiveness - the trifecta of the liberal character.
  12. don't let him kid you, he's drinking Monarch with a Stroh's chaser
  13. yeah, if you say so.
  14. Me. He handles my light work, after all. Thanks, ak. Light work? There is nothing light about these clowns. They sit on their fat asses all day long and talk about how bad-ass their latest conquest of das toof was. No problem though boss. Always here to help. Or somewhere else. i'm gettin real damn tired of you dumbasses making fun of the size of my fat ass. das toof??? that shit is way too alpine for a sprayer like me! i prefer a nice hike on smoothe trail. you dumb asses are overly ambitious. yea, the approach for the tooth is way too burly for minx
  15. If that happened, you would have nothing left to bitch about and then you would all cerimoniously slit your wrists because you have nothing left to live for; considering that is the only thing that it seems a liberal can do without fucking up. hmmmm... and i've NEVER heard some repub whining.....ever libs whine about how horrible everything is. life sucks. the country sucks. we're all poor, racists, homophobes, religious zealots, planet-killers. the water is poisoned, the air is poisoned, the food sucks. life is unfair! it's endless. wahhhhhhhh
  16. If that happened, you would have nothing left to bitch about wrong. libeals ALWAYS have something to whine and bitch about. if all republicans instantaneously disappeared, the libs would eat eachother in an act of mass cannibalism
  17. is that why it's always in his mouth?
  18. spendspendspendspend The Bush administration's remarkable thrift will be sorely missed. as I said, they learned from the Dem's. with both parties doing it we're totally fucked
  19. well said. I go online and order from wherever I can get the best deal. Sometimes that's REI. When I order from them, I have it delivered in the store, which involves the minimum time spent in store.
  20. yes, as of 3 weeks ago the fixed line and short down climb were there
  21. forced? what did someone hold a gun to your head?
  22. spendspendspendspend
  23. The Russians have a different word for that
  24. Bush learned that from the Dems. Expect to see more from Obamalamadingdong
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