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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. yeah, how about those M's?
  2. bug has a water-sports fetish
  3. KaskadskyjKozak

    Poo Thread

    I hauled at least 2 pounds of corn-fed, twelve-inch toilet trout off of Shuksan yesterday. My pack will stink for at least a week.
  4. WTF are you talking about? There's ALWAYS a need to climb, weekend or not. not if you're old like me. you need to rest.
  5. no need to climb today - the weekend was awesome the sad fucking truth is not climbing this past w/e
  6. KaskadskyjKozak

    Poo Thread

    By far the nastiest poo occurs after a long approach and a diet consisting of cliff bars and a Mountain House Chili Mac dinner.
  7. we hold this truth to be self-evident
  8. I prefer downclimbing whenever feasible
  9. bolting/climate change - inconvenient truths? i find bolts to be convenient. perhaps they are the cause of climate change? or climate changes cause bolts? new, smooth exposed glacial rock? which came first the chicken or the egg?
  10. bolting/climate change - inconvenient truths?
  11. at least Seahawks stopped posting
  12. what other vacations are there? "my best vacation is your worst nightmare"
  13. hair of the dog
  14. global warming almost killed me this w/e, and it's working on a long term plan related to repeated facial burning and melanoma
  15. wanna climb?
  16. rap
  17. You are too fucking stupid to know the difference between spray here and spray in the other forums. You suck the virtual cocks of juvenile losers and pretend to be something special. You are just a loser who thinks it is special to be the gatekeeper to a shit hole. You are just the biggest loser. Get off the pain meds and have a cup of coffee. Think clearly and read your last 500 posts. Dip shit. wanna climb?
  18. I woke up at 4 am yesterday climbed until 8:40 and didn't get to bed until 1:30 am.
  19. kids these days. what's the world coming to. when I was a kid, we...
  20. Pink: your bat is cool. the gecko is annoying as hell
  21. I hear that Obama is going to put via Ferrata on all our favorite trad routes in the Cascades.
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