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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. plus that put a damper on you going down later on
  2. KaskadskyjKozak

    Poo Thread

    neither. I poo in the morning at around 8 am sharp.
  3. Sport vs. Trad - Battle Royale
  4. routes/camps already have quotas for each night, and the total number of climbers on the mountain have gone down over the last few years. so, why does access need to be further restricted. this survey stinks, as does its implications - plain and simple
  5. esp. for the views at your eye-level?
  6. f*k prana, what about lululemon???
  7. there are fucks out there who do actually want to restrict access, and this survey looks to be just another example. new wilderness areas with 20-foot wide exclusions for roads are another.
  8. do you really want to convince them to switch to the other side, making all those great destinations even more crowded. yeah, moss and slugs. that's all there is in the alpine - stay away!
  9. Who gave you this survey, and what did he/she say?
  10. so much for it being quiet on spray
  11. Hahaha...I'd show up to watch you two wanks titty-slap each other. ah, so TTK is involved in this incident!
  12. Nope. That was mine. lol. looks like a type 3
  13. i got buzzed at a lot of places
  14. lol. maybe the bear got real scared and dropped this load
  15. and it'll be harder to belay with hairy palms.
  16. have you tried watering it down a bit?
  17. :anger::anger: Maybe we can compromise: On second thought, this might be more your style: we can fry up some Rooster balls. you're safe from the blade, since you've got none
  18. good idea. maybe I'll grill some chicken tonight
  19. wishing I were climbing
  20. +1 It reminds me I didn't get out to Logan this year as I'd hoped
  21. That was the most impressive standing glissade I have ever seen.
  22. a big bro, for sure
  23. You tend to live life on the edge, don't you? Crazy mutha... I tried to live on the edge... but as her icy stare chilled me to the bone my balls withered and I cancelled my climbs... wuss!
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