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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I recall one trip to Boston Basin where I left my trekking poles outside my tent as did a climbing partner. His hand straps were chewed to shreds; mine were untouched. Evidentally, they don't like the taste or smell of me. I like it that way.
  2. not with the ttk pics again!
  3. pink's bed is AIDS
  4. I think the best answer is to climb stuff where you won't run into the gomers. btw - surprised the M-word wasn't brought up i was just gonna throw that in. catch-22 out there. blind leading the blind seems to be the universal attack no matter who/what the target is.
  5. that means so much, coming from you boner!
  6. Are you going to start a thread now called "parent abuse"....give it a rest. you started that thread already. I doubt the facts of your story and your evaluation of the situation based simply on your previously-expressed permissive parenting style. The facts of my story are irrelevant. The question still remains…..what do you do in a public place where there is child abuse going on? I consider permissive parenting child abuse.
  7. fa·vor·ite (fvr-t, fvrt) adj. Liked or preferred above all others It's not a list per person, dumbass
  8. Are you going to start a thread now called "parent abuse"....give it a rest. you started that thread already. I doubt the facts of your story and your evaluation of the situation based simply on your previously-expressed permissive parenting style.
  9. What about those parents who do nothing? Kid is whining/misbehaving/acting like an idiot and the parents/oblivions stand there and do nothing. That's how I imagine you boner based on your past thoughts on "disciplining". When should someone "step in" and "correct" that type of parenting?
  10. good luck with that
  11. unless it's V7's sister-in-law...
  12. if you are not an experienced climber, have never been up a 14K peak, etc., then no, not a good idea.
  13. you need to be coordinated for that
  14. even if you don't rip your pants, glissading takes out the waterproofing/resistance. I use marmot precips for most trips, and glissade on them because its fast and I'm lazy by nature (well, it's fun too). At around $100 (or less on sale), I will not be heart-broken if they rip. I've had them 3 years already and they are due for replacement.
  15. Havana Club?
  16. I'm about to crack open some Aberlour, bish!
  17. 8 more minutes of waterboarding
  18. chicks with dicks - sounds like No. 13's type.
  19. didn't Bill Maher hop on that? there's some liberal "taste" for ya
  20. See if No. 13's mom will let him come with you. All these months on spray, and the "dude" has yet to get out once.
  21. Ann Coulter is not a chick.
  22. not until the waterboarding is complete
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