Then why are they here? I'm sick of people who come here and immediately set about complaining and trying to remake America into the place they left. Idiots.
You're right, people who move here have no right to attempt to improve their adopted country.
Trying to impose or whine for government health care is not "improvement". It's like walking into MacDonalds for a meal and complaining about how unhealthy the food is. Eat somewhere else.
So, it's OK for them to try to improve our country, unless their goals are deemed by you to be "wrong?"
People in America have every right to try and implement whatever changes they want, be it communistic, socialistic, fascistic, "collectivistic" or otherwise. That's what's great about America. Even the constitution can be changed. Nobody gets to decide which changes are on the approved list for immigrants to bring up.
And I have a right to lobby for and express support for tighter immigration laws; no?
Of course.
What are we arguing about again?
Could we please get to discussing Global Warming now, damn it! Fuck Health Care - we need to save the fucking planet!