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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I think Obama is about to get slammed.
  2. Your link doesn't work pp.
  3. Yes, and McCain has repeatedly gone against his own party and pissed off the establishment. That's why he got screwed in his Presidential aspirations in 2000. He's a maverick to the core and will shake up the status quo for the next 4 years.
  4. Oh, you mean the guy who jacked up taxes? The guy who considered you and I his magic piggy bank? Obama thinks the same way.
  5. "A self-described libertarian Republican, Greenspan has a reputation for being wary of giving the government extra powers." Sounds like a perfect American to me. I'll bet he's opposed to Obama's health care plan too. Which would further his credibility as a real American.
  6. Maverick: One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter. adj. Being independent in thought and action or exhibiting such independence: maverick politicians; a maverick decision. Of course a group think, herd-instinct, lemming, liberal sheeple would see no appeal in this.
  7. Maverick
  8. The cc.com peanut gallery is in no position to mock others' typographical errors.
  9. 175, as usual
  10. I cringed during the DNC when Jimmy Carter, in that sweet southern drawl, after saying how excited he was that the country has come this far, said something like Obama was a real bright Boy. Called dude a boy. I cringed. BTW, having Republicans in will help balance the democratic controlled congress. McCain has spoken publicly that supreme court justices should be picked with NO litmus test on abortion, and that they must not be the type that legislates from the bench, but are judging from strictly constitutional principles. I'm leaning towards Obama, but I suspect he'll fuc*k the country up pretty bad. Palins comment rang true with me and cracked me up: "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities." What has Obama done? Seriously, hes never had to meet a payroll or create a single job. Ever. "Community organizer" sounds like a person who fills out government forms to try to get government grants for "The Community". Is that and being a lawyer now seriously now a qualification to be President? Those who don't think Obama will f*up this country real bad are running on wishful thinking. I wish I wish I wish all you want, he has NO track record. ".....a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities." Think about that. Are you one of these dumbassed "independent swing voters" that needs a refresher course or a recap every time someone makes a speech or have you been asleep for the last six months? If you want to know what Obama's record of service looks like why don't you do some internet research. I did and the word "present" came up a lot. Present eh? Let's play match that ticket. 1) -BA Columbia -Harvard Law Magna Cum Laude -Taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School -University Delaware -Syracuse Law -Lawyer 2) -Naval Academy (rank 894 of 899) -Served as Officer in Vietnam -University of Idaho -Sports reporter intern Which resume belongs to which party? The elitist one = the Democrats
  11. spray has no standards, yet alone linking to stats
  12. one use google for the other the point is this idea that enforcing speeding laws is a "waste of time" is a stupid one.
  13. It's good to know all the rapes, murders, and robberies have been solved and the man hours are now available for such important crimes. There were more than 3 times as many deaths caused by traffic accidents in WA state than murders in 2005/2006 (647 vs 190).
  14. I cringed during the DNC when Jimmy Carter, in that sweet southern drawl, after saying how excited he was that the country has come this far, said something like Obama was a real bright Boy. Called dude a boy. I cringed. BTW, having Republicans in will help balance the democratic controlled congress. McCain has spoken publicly that supreme court justices should be picked with NO litmus test on abortion, and that they must not be the type that legislates from the bench, but are judging from strictly constitutional principles. I'm leaning towards Obama, but I suspect he'll fuc*k the country up pretty bad. Palins comment rang true with me and cracked me up: "I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities." What has Obama done? Seriously, hes never had to meet a payroll or create a single job. Ever. "Community organizer" sounds like a person who fills out government forms to try to get government grants for "The Community". Is that and being a lawyer now seriously now a qualification to be President? Those who don't think Obama will f*up this country real bad are running on wishful thinking. I wish I wish I wish all you want, he has NO track record. ".....a small-town mayor is sort of like a 'community organizer,' except that you have actual responsibilities." Think about that. Are you one of these dumbassed "independent swing voters" that needs a refresher course or a recap every time someone makes a speech or have you been asleep for the last six months? If you want to know what Obama's record of service looks like why don't you do some internet research. I did and the word "present" came up a lot. he wrote a couple of memoirs. oh, you, mean, like, legislation? never mind.
  15. ah yes, i have it: "republicunts!" wow. that's really creative.
  16. You racist! "Jackoffery" is a rationally tinged word... somewhere... sometime... anyways. Racist!
  17. So, does your survival time increase or decrease proportional to the quantity of beer you have imbibed?
  18. damn you Sobo!!!
  19. \ Right back at you! You need to work on your zingers and one-liners. You need to be less uppity.
  20. \ Right back at you!
  21. "Uppity" is no longer a racially-tinged word. True, while its origin is from blacks in the US South almost 130 years ago, it's now a word in common useage throughout the English-speaking world, and I challenge you to prove that it's common knowledge of the word's etymology. Shit, I didn't know its etymology until I looked it up, and I've lived in the South for years. Fuck, I even call me sister uppity, cuz the bitch is. You should hear how she talks to our mom. don't be usin' that word in front of Prole and the boys in the hood!
  22. Yeah, where I'm from, you put "uppity" in front of it and you're gonna get you fucking grill smashed in! Bellingham is soooo ghetto.
  23. That too! Add atheist and Marxist and we've got you covered.
  24. Elitist!
  25. No sprayer can spray quite like I can Ill take a musclebound man and put his face in the sand Not the last mafioso Im a mc cop Make you say, go K.K. and do the wop If you think you can outspray me, yeah boy I bet Cause I aint met a motherfucker who can do that yet Trendsetter Im better my spray is good I got a gourmet plate that says I wish you would And when spray begins then I gotta join in and Before my rhyme is over you know Im a win Cool K has arrived so you better make way Ask anybody in the crowd they say the kid dont play! Sparring competition thats my hobby and job I dont wear a disguise because I dont own the mob Got a pinpoint spray that makes you feel trapped So many girls on my jock I think my phone here is tapped Im bad
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