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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I repeatedly see liberals on this site drop the "n-bomb" or other slurs, and never see "conservatives" do it. It's always the liberal posters who talk about "white people" and "brown people", bringing these terms into political discussions, pretending it's "conservatives" that think and talk this way. And yet it is the liberal calling the conservatives racist, nazi, fascist, etc. The slurs come far too readily to the lips of the liberal, the racial distinctions are always made (white people, brown people). All the evidence points at liberal posters being the racist fucks.
  3. Nice TR, FW. I've got to do this route within the next couple of years...
  4. stuff a tampon up your pussy
  5. hey, gee, you changed the subject and want me to reply on a tangent. piss off
  6. OK "TTK absconding with a beauty he surprised doing yoga at the top of a crag"
  7. It must hurt the lunatic fringe to hear the truth about Orwell: he was a life-long left winger who was an egalitarian, anti-imperialist, and anti-totalitarian. The most incisive criticism of totalitarianism has always been issued by left-wingers, who were among the first victims of both fascism and Stalinism, because their opposition to terror wasn’t opportunism (like Hayek’s among numerous other rightwing example) but steeped in a deep commitment to democratic principles. left-wing and anti-totalitarian simultaneously? oxymoron
  8. It's OK. What are you pairing it with?
  9. "wine is fine but whiskey's quicker"
  10. You conveniently left out pictures of you and Pete_H
  11. *yawn*
  12. To have a mental disorder, one must have a mind. Consequently, you are precluded from acquiring any such affliction.
  13. I think you are a closet right-wing nut. Weiner and Beck are your guilty pleasures.
  14. Love the Econtalk podcasts he hosts. Isn't he dead? Like his ideas? Russ Roberts is very much alive! You should listen to some of his podcasts. Start with his interview of Hitchens, on his book on George Orwell: http://www.econtalk.org/archives/2009/08/hitchens_on_orw.html You might also find the Alan Wolfe interview interesting: http://www.econtalk.org/archives/2009/05/wolfe_on_libera.html SS is too busy listening to Glenn Beck and Michael Weiner, but good try.
  15. personal experience, eh?
  16. Love the Econtalk podcasts he hosts. Isn't he dead? Like his ideas? Maybe you guys should ban him from school curricula - hell, burn his books.
  17. The left wing eagerly marches towards totalitarianism - their preferred state of being. Where was your outrage at a totalitarian Bush regime stripping the nation of constintutional and consumer protections, intruding on private citizens at will, snatching people off the streets and torturing them with no due process, and establishing an imperial executive? Are you a complete fucking moron? Strange to see such profound distrust of government manifesting in a passionate zeal for a single-payer system, particularly one that will invariably be run by these same totalitarians at some point in the future. They're working on a way to ensure that they never leave power.
  18. you've taken one thousand too many hits of LSD
  19. And that is different than the summer months how? for you it's no different
  20. I will be cowering in my house.
  21. Exactly, bill.
  22. Because it's left wingers who are the racist fucks in this country.
  23. Sorry dude, but mocking the opposition leader's name is par for the course - just as you ass-clowns did for Bush.
  24. Would "Barry" make you happier?
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