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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. is that a jimi hendrix joke? if so, well played sir! B-HO plays guitar? no, but hendrix played "red house" and he was, like, a negro or something Too bad, I'd be OK with B-HO giving a televised conference for the kiddies. Bubba could play sax and Condie could accompany on pianoforte...
  2. Sounds like you need a stint in a "reeducation camp". It's really all about "education" after all - "education on the issues".
  3. is that a jimi hendrix joke? if so, well played sir! B-HO plays guitar?
  4. your interjection race into this discussion speaks volumes about YOU, you racist fuck I'm sorry I forgot that since we have a black president there's no such thing as racism in America anymore, especially not from suburban Coloradan soccer moms. no no there's racism- it white people that are being victimized everwhere you look. Even in the "Black House" (quoting Republican party staffer) More like the "Red House"
  5. your interjection race into this discussion speaks volumes about YOU, you racist fuck Yes, the Right Wing has yet to even MENTION racism, Pete. How dare you!! He mentioned race first - because he is a liberal - one of the most racist category of humans on the planet.
  6. hardly an erudite response, master orator is it legitimate for a teacher of government to show it's government in action? should all the parents have to agree before i turn on cspan? show the inauguration? the state of the union? The inauguration and SoU are not *directed* at the youth in a planned, canned speech, Einstein. And you better be showing the opposition reaction to the inauguration and SoU.
  7. is that a televised speech to ALL students w/o advance parental consent? how practical is it to get parental consent for every lesson plan i run in a year? This is our government speaking directly to students in a forced environment. It is total bullshit. Your lesson plans are subject to curricula, and parents can find out what is being taught. And you are accountable. Totally different.
  8. your interjection race into this discussion speaks volumes about YOU, you racist fuck
  9. is that a televised speech to ALL students w/o advance parental consent?
  10. Not in the fucking least. This is a total outrage - and you'd feel the same if Bush had tried it. Mmmmmmm, Yummy Delicious Crow!!! "President George H.W. Bush gave an address to schools nationwide in 1991, from a junior high school in Washington, D.C. News reports from the time said the White House hoped that the address would be shown at schools nationwide, and Bush began his remarks by saying he was talking to "millions" of students "in classrooms all across the country."" Crow? I'm opposed to this as well. No captive audience speeches from our politicians to our youths.
  11. Not in the fucking least. This is a total outrage - and you'd feel the same if Bush had tried it. no i wouldn't - i routinely show the state of the union and other major presidential speeches to my social studies class - duh! it's s-o-c-i-a-l s-t-u-d-i-e-s. if i followed it up with a "so what did you children think about the powerful words that the Great Leader just said?" or "how can you help make the Great Leader's plans a reality?" that would be uber-disturbing, but that's not the gameplan - it's a critical discussion - do you agree or not? how likely is this to come to pass? how would you have done it differently? is this an important issue or not, etc. etc. Yeah, well, I'd keep my kids far away from you for other reasons.
  12. Maybe Obama should include a portion in his speech about "personal responsbility" explaining how you it is OK to break all your campaign promises.
  13. is that a national address to all the children in the country? were parents warned of this visit?
  14. The left wing eagerly marches towards totalitarianism - their preferred state of being.
  15. Not in the fucking least. This is a total outrage - and you'd feel the same if Bush had tried it.
  16. Having the President address the children (as a captive audience) in this manner is highly disturbing - reminiscent of the worst totalitarian regimes.
  17. would it be feasible car-to-car with a predawn start?
  18. Right now health care is rationed. It is also expensive. Whatever the reform it must guarantee that 1) costs do not go up and 2) we are not exchanging one form of rationing while 3) increasing the number of Americans covered.
  19. Who would have known that Mike Tyson was such a staunch advocate for Health Care Reform?
  20. Crack kills
  21. Uhh.... Did you read the story in the link? Boner can't read
  22. Yeah, that tree was looking pretty sad last year...
  23. the dude looks like a queer NTTAWWT!
  24. the dude looks like a queer
  25. I thought you were just in mourning after Pink announced his nuptials.
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