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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Monarch
  2. i don't think it was the peat smoke exclusively that turned me off laphroaig; it seemed it was the fact that there was seemingly nothing besides/beyond the peat smoke. just strong alcohol. it was their 10 year/cheapest stuff....maybe the 15 year or older would be different? i'll give your recommendation a try. I have never tried the Laphroaig 10 year, only the 15. It is still hardcore stuff. I do like it (but I like Talisker better for a peaty, smoky scotch). I think you'd find Lagavulin to be similar. There are places you can sample scotchs - notably the Whiskey Bar in Seattle.
  3. KaskadskyjKozak


    alka seltzer?
  4. Kimmo: you will not like Lagavulin
  5. dude, WTF?
  6. KaskadskyjKozak


    then Prole would be pecker-less
  7. KaskadskyjKozak


    Samurai swords would have been more humane
  8. The whole with-or-without water thing comes down to personal preference. I went to a tasting a few years ago hosted by Jim Murray (author of the Whisky Bible) and his take was "It's already 60% water, no need to add any more!" There are specialty malts that come in cask strength that often need to be cut with water. I never buy these because I don't want to screw up such an expensive drink with the "wrong" water (technically you want water from Scotland - not US tap water, or distilled water, etc).
  9. i know a few people whose bong scars will never fade... Kevbone?
  10. taquitos?
  11. racist
  12. KaskadskyjKozak


    [video:youtube]PdnXYWSa56w&NR check out the expression on the face of the lady on the left
  13. Is that where you go for your hits of jenkem?
  14. Just this photo of you:
  15. it looks like StevenSeagal has you pegged down to a T: We've got you pegged down to a T, you pinko racist cocksucker
  16. What do you mean by "you people", you racetard? I think he's making threats. You up for a trip to lilly-white Bellingham KK? Only if we are bagging Shuksan or Baker. I'm sure we will not run into Prole, since he doesn't actually climb.
  17. What do you mean by "you people", you racetard?
  18. Perhaps the libtards didn't catch on to this provocative, illustrative humor since Limbaugh did not use a slew of racial epithets.
  19. dude, you are so out of line. It's like you never made it past high school, which is a little above par for a right wing retard.
  20. i am wibawool.... why do you keep posting that pic of Kevbone?
  21. Safe schools, safe buses (if they are part of a district's funding). Pretty fucking simple.
  22. No. I biked to school. If our kids are on public school buses they should be guaranteed to be safe. Then we'd have to get the guvment involved. And God knows, only commie libtards would want that. That's the fucking problem, Einstein. The schools are public, kids are bussed, and the government runs it all - and guarantees nothing, not even that kids will not get the shit beat out of them. Can't wait for that government health care.
  23. *** You are ignoring this user *** Toggle the display of this post Say all you want you worthless fat fuck. I ain't reading your verbal diarrheah.
  24. Why did he drink bong water? I never drank bong water myself, but once I drank Mezcal. I imagine it tastes about the same.
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