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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. you forgot "regressive". How do you ever expect to win Buzz Word Bingo with a performance like this? And he didn't even squeeze in "snake oil". WTF?
  2. It's about money, not race.
  3. Well, it's kind of important to figure that out, don't you think? yeah, right. Let's start another war to fix all up, dude ... I'm talking to Jim, not you. Bugger off.
  4. Not a surprise. I doubt he climbs. Maybe he's a groupie? Very likely.
  5. Well, it's kind of important to figure that out, don't you think?
  6. Not a surprise. I doubt he climbs.
  7. I'm not sure the Japanese are the role model but you are correct that the question has to be asked on a large scale, and we haven't even begun that discussion yet. There will be changes associated with a large energy plan and transition. But - and this is a key point - it's going to happen anyway and it's better to get going ASAP rather than be jolted by the coming changes. There's a grouping of folks with lower GDP and comparable (to the Japanese) usage. What would it take to be in their position of usage, and what would that cost entail? I'd like to know what the alternatives are before agreeing to a plan to get there.
  8. I'm a bike commuter and you said I'm a neanderthal. So I guess it's you saying bike commuters want to live in caves. You hypocrite!
  9. You're a moron. And I wasn't talking to you. Jim, at least, can articulate a point without blathering endless propaganda about "free-market snake oil shilling" with every other syllable. Now STFU.
  10. you hypocrite!
  11. the "planet" cares about how much oil you use that you could avoid using. We have at least twice as far to go in this domain as any other nation among developed nations, thanks in part to your oil corporation shilling ways. Nah - I'm pretty sure that it's just total global consumption that matters, which is a direct function of wealth. The more output people generate, the more money people have to fund consumption, and the more they consume. The reason that Greeks don't use much energy isn't because of their superior virtue, it's because they don't generate enough output to buy as much. When you look at energy consumption per unit GDP, which is a much better proxy for efficiency than simple per-capita consumption metrics, the picture looks a bit different. Below is a plot of energy consumption per-unit-GDP.... Time for you to start hectoring the Norweigans and the Dutch.... I don't know about this one. We get a big boost from what? - Finance was 24% of GDP last year and we know where that led to - so we get extra points for the paper shuffling wall street types. Also - EU is way ahead of us in renewable energy production - 9% from wind, solar, and marine energy (wind,tidal, wave) with agressive mandates to reach 20% by 2020. They are way ahead of us in conservation and renewable energy production. And here's another way to look at it: So, what would it take for us to be more like the Japanese? And what would the cost be to us (the down-side)?
  12. you are surprised?
  13. It's been ages since j_b's snake has seen any oil. Um, the guy drives a 1978 Jetta TDI. Whad' you expect? A '78 Jetta? EPIC!
  14. Indeed. With each and every one of your posts.
  15. It's been ages since j_b's snake has seen any oil.
  16. Indeed.
  17. Where is Mayor Bradley when we need him?
  18. Translation: j_b does nothing for the planet but blow hot air
  19. Your hypocrisy knows no bound. it's people like you who want to make it solely a personal issue, whereas I have done the exact opposite. As far as personal responsibility is concerned I have called for energy conservation for literally decades, which your type has ridiculed like forever. Translation: j_b's carbon footprint is almost as large and hypocritical as Al Gore's.
  20. Do you shake your spandex stretched nutsack in their face? I do that. Especially in front of libtards in Lesbarus.
  21. Your gas is still flowing. Unfortunately.
  22. The left-wing, libtard circle-jerk continues
  23. you are missing a ball. Yes, he is.
  24. and you're a goat shagging cum guzzler. now STFU
  25. And that's not a good thing?
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