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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. c'est vrai...
  2. Très bon! Si vous allez, il faut écrire un trip report ici!
  3. Les bons vins, les fromages... et les belles femmes... ce n'est pas mal.
  4. Nous avons voyagé seulement à Paris. C'est un bon choix, pour nos première voyage, je crois. Mais, prochain fois, je voudrais visiter les autres cités et régions - peut être les Alps ou provençe! Voyagerai a "bleaux? Les Hautes Alpes sont plue belles. Combine climbing/skiing with the food and wine (et les très belles femmes jolies) I could get used to that lifestyle, I'll tell you that.
  5. Nous avons voyagé seulement à Paris. C'est un bon choix, pour nos première voyage, je crois. Mais, prochain fois, je voudrais visiter les autres cités et régions - peut être les Alps ou provençe!
  6. Did anyone ever find the #4?
  7. Yes, it's Glenn Beck.
  8. Cool! Is there an online program? Always looking to improve my six-string chops.
  9. Yeah, but Jeff Beck is pretty cool.
  10. as opposed to "le petit saucisson", que tu as?
  11. HAPPY BELATED B-DAY! Are you officially old yet (40)?
  12. Germany stomped Argentina. Ouch that hurt to watch. Who is more socialist?
  13. Je reviens tout juste de ma première voyage en Françe! Comment ça va ici en Spray? J'espere que vous tout montiez un peu la semaine prochaine (et le temps était un peu meuiller que il était quand je suis parté)
  14. OK, we *do* need to pay teachers more
  15. :j_b: specifically, it is the code for ass clown
  16. you are demonized because you're a whiny, marxist puke
  17. And then we will all embrace Marxism and j_b as our new Uncle Joe, and live happily ever after, from each according to his ability to each according to his needs. The end.
  18. did your knee hurt so bad that you forgot and left a cam behind? that would be truly tragic. that or someone interrupting you while trying to make a point
  19. you're unable to make any point with or w/o Rob's intervening commentary
  20. Poor wittle, j_b, come here and tell me whats bothering your extra-sensitive side. Whiny little girl What's wrong with being "sensitive"?
  21. bases loaded twice and stranding all runners, then losing - good times and what's not to love but seeing all the Cubbie douches everywhere.
  22. i'm on level 20... how many more are there?
  23. OW: you are truly evil
  24. They may figure it out for themselves, but I will remove all uncertainties by letting it known this is what he has been doing. I am the blowhard, while you were the one suggesting I was to "do something about it" in addition to what I was already doing? STFU
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