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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. We're all hoping that it's not another one where you stick your tongue up a cats ass... Oh, that's what he means by pussy. Maybe thistime he'll stick his tongue up Fairweather's ass What do you mean "this time"?
  2. USA! USA! USA!
  3. so, you monitor them 24/7? Never leave them to play alone?
  4. Right from the get-go brother. Who ever said my kids dont have rules or boundaries? You did, when you said you don't "impose your will on them." How can you have rules and boundaries without imposing will? He said it in another protracted thread in the past. Basically, if K's kids do something wrong he just distracts them. "Hey you punched your sister... look at these gummi bears". Yeah, that teaches a lesson.
  5. But aren't all R's corporate tools? Why would the "base" vote out a corporate tool that agrees with them on so many issues in lieu of "corporate tools" with whom they disagree. Man, your logic is fucked. Still waiting for you answer on NPR - why are right-wingers trying to shut down a right-wing mouth piece?
  6. WTF is up with the "robbi dear" shit? This is at least the 2nd time today... what's wrong with my term of endearment, KaskadskyjKozaki dear? It's needlessly patronizing, and more akin to TTK tactics than yours (you are usually much more even-handed).
  7. Really? There is your first problem. It's what other libtards have been saying today on Spray. *do* try to keep up, Rain Man.
  8. WTF is up with the "robbi dear" shit? This is at least the 2nd time today...
  9. we've covered this. he does nothing to discipline them.
  10. But I thought NPR is right-wing? So why are right-wingers trying to defund a right wing mouth piece? You assclowns are pathetic.
  11. Just his monkey.
  12. Does Israel and Jewish Americans have too much influence on the content of NPR, j_b? Chode-licker seems to think so.
  13. Is *that* j_b's basis for dislike of NPR? Guess the fascistic thug is calling the kettle black...
  14. "public interest organizations/associations" are just as biased as "government/corporation" - with an agenda. Also, it's interesting (some would say "lame") how you lump together the latter two.
  15. queuing up stream of shrill, invective-strewn drivel in 3...2...1...
  16. Upon what do you think j_b bases his evaluation of Al Jazeera as "better"?
  17. Speaking of kooks...
  18. California Pertussis Outbreak 2010, I'll leave the rest up to you, because I'm sure you'll come back with some real hum-dingers. Watch some you-tube videos of kids with petrussis. Any parent that does not vaccinate their kid against that preventable disease should have the CPS pay them a visit.
  19. I think he is challenging what is a "fact" and what is not.
  20. or, more accurately, douche nozzle meets douche receptacle
  21. they are very industrious... and loyal
  22. I call bullshit. You know you are big admirer (and frequent visitor to) Enumclaw. baa
  23. I even shave my legs (but only on big dates.) Use a straight razor, and it's no longer gay
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