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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I did the Adams Glacier in mid-July a couple of years ago and it was fantastic. However, there was only one pitch of 60-70 degree ice, and the rest was just a nice walkup on very firm snow in the 40-45 degree range. We had no problems with moats or routefinding (we chose a line on the right side of the glacier and then went to the middle). As for rock/ice fall - there was some later in the afternoon, but we got around that section fairly quickly.
  2. Guess they should have saved more.
  3. TTK is even smarter than Thomas Jefferson!
  4. KaskadskyjKozak


    another unintelligible run-on sentence
  5. KaskadskyjKozak


    You love wallowing in negativity, don't you comrade?
  6. KaskadskyjKozak


    If we're in a fairly early phase of what looks like long term structural crisis, it's more important to be asking the right kind of questions. all you do is whine and bitch
  7. Prolly the placebo effect... Nobody has to tell you you don't know shit Yeah, but does he know Shinola?
  8. it had nothing to do with eco-righteousness and everything about knowing who rides the bus. [ exactly, you don't even know and yet you are pontificating. I don't have the numbers but I am willing to bet that a large majority of bus riders in seattle/king county are lower midde class and poor (although with your economic legacy it's hard to tell the difference nowadays) Tell us what bus route(s) you ride j_b. I'll check them out to tabulate all the "poor folk" on them.
  9. you clearly don't ride the bus very often. hyperbolic blowhard. I ride the bus every day. You're the one who's full of shit.
  10. It sure is, but it's no excuse to claim that Islam as a whole is worse than judeo-chritianity based on rhetorical hypocrisy about 'suicide bombers' and 'collateral damage', and big fucking blank in response to the historical record of who used terror, and of colonial-imperialism in the ME. It's not just the slaughter of non-Muslims, it's the entire apparatus of intimidation and repression that has been perpetuated in the name of Islam for centuries, and it's clearly Muslims themselves who have and will continue to bear the brunt of the suffering meted out by Islamists via the death-penalty for apostasy, etc, etc, etc. Even if Islamists hadn't engaged in a single act of aggression against anyone outside of their borders/faith there'd still be plenty for any principled liberal to criticize. the key words are "principled liberal" - which do not apply to your evil homonym
  11. yes, since the consequences of a fall are unacceptable.
  12. You're speaking in cliches and pablum with a view narrowly centered on the Middle East - a minority of the Muslim population in the world. Muslims in subsaharan Africa and Indonesia engage in similarly brutal and intolerant practices. Your point? Indonesia? IME Indonesian muslims are more tolerant than the Hindus and Animists. East Timor Isn't a part of Indonesia And is predominantly Roman Catholic East Timor Genocide
  13. You called that one Archie! Got any more 2nd hand knowledge for us know-it-all?
  14. You're speaking in cliches and pablum with a view narrowly centered on the Middle East - a minority of the Muslim population in the world. Muslims in subsaharan Africa and Indonesia engage in similarly brutal and intolerant practices. Your point? Indonesia? IME Indonesian muslims are more tolerant than the Hindus and Animists. East Timor
  15. Berlusconi is a Ronnie James Dio fan?
  16. You're speaking in cliches and pablum with a view narrowly centered on the Middle East - a minority of the Muslim population in the world. Muslims in subsaharan Africa and Indonesia engage in similarly brutal and intolerant practices. Your point?
  17. We're "just as bad" in the US. No, we're worse. Good to have you back for a while at least Archie!
  18. Wow! You *heard* that? Holy shit - that's impressive 2nd-hand info!
  19. roughly how many 5.x pitches?
  20. lighten up BTW, is "sexual chocolate" a compulsion?
  21. Sounds like a great name for a porno, in which case, yes it could be an expression of freedom.
  22. TTK is such an authority "decency"
  23. a reply with 6 self-replies - congratulations, you've reached a new level of mental derangement.
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