It sure is, but it's no excuse to claim that Islam as a whole is worse than judeo-chritianity based on rhetorical hypocrisy about 'suicide bombers' and 'collateral damage', and big fucking blank in response to the historical record of who used terror, and of colonial-imperialism in the ME.
It's not just the slaughter of non-Muslims, it's the entire apparatus of intimidation and repression that has been perpetuated in the name of Islam for centuries, and it's clearly Muslims themselves who have and will continue to bear the brunt of the suffering meted out by Islamists via the death-penalty for apostasy, etc, etc, etc.
Even if Islamists hadn't engaged in a single act of aggression against anyone outside of their borders/faith there'd still be plenty for any principled liberal to criticize.
the key words are "principled liberal" - which do not apply to your evil homonym