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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. fuck, 2012 is gonna be great isn't it? Can't wait to fucking vote.
  2. Unfortunately no jobs there massaging dudes for a living, so you are SOL.
  3. Cool, maybe Newt can be his running mate!
  4. Maybe we can hire Haliburton to build high-speed rail in Libya?
  5. It's good to know there's a bright side to US foreign policy...
  6. at least according to him...
  7. Well Reagan did kill Gadhaffi's daughter.
  8. I never said it's the *same*, but if this happened under Bush all the libtards here would be completely irate, and you know it. But hey, rationalize away!
  9. you seem to miss your own point - the spray-lectorate does indeed appear uneasy and unhappy - as unhappy as w/ iraq 8 years ago? no, but of course the circumnstances ARE different, Yeah, the circumstances are "different" - a D is in the Whitehouse, so the volumes of shrill "outrage" is well, pretty much absent here. Pretty much my point. You really can't see any other major differences? Please, you're not fooling me. Many of the reasons given to oppose Bush's wars are true in this case as well. Or did you folks just not mean it? "We don't belong there" "No exit plan" "We're hypocrites... no moral standing to decide how other countries should be run" "Innocents will die" "We'll lose American lives for nothing" "It's all about oil... we need to get off of the foreign oil teat" "We can't afford this war and our money is better spent at home"
  10. you seem to miss your own point - the spray-lectorate does indeed appear uneasy and unhappy - as unhappy as w/ iraq 8 years ago? no, but of course the circumnstances ARE different, Yeah, the circumstances are "different" - a D is in the Whitehouse, so the volumes of shrill "outrage" is well, pretty much absent here. Pretty much my point.
  11. Where is your libtard outrage that the US is bombing another country? If an R were in the White House you'd be calling him a warmonger, Hitler, neo-con, engaging in another useless action with no exit strategy. As for the fighter jet, yeah sounds expensive to me. Too bad you only have B-HO to reject its inclusion in the budget, 'cos he's proven himself to be pretty much a spineless jelly-fish.
  12. Hey, j_b, Google's hiring. You should apply!
  13. I've never talked about either tollbooth operators or bus drivers, but hey, keep on trucking, ass candle! Now let's here some more about the people you "care about" - the blue collar worker, the average Joe. LOL. as typical califuckingfornia raised lickbagger you can talk a lot of shit salty breath. now fuck off. pizda ty zhopoglaznaya
  14. I've never talked about either tollbooth operators or bus drivers, but hey, keep on trucking, ass candle! Now let's here some more about the people you "care about" - the blue collar worker, the average Joe. LOL.
  15. Public pensions are the item under question, not salaries. And the argument has been that they are unsustainable. Funny how this is not an issue in the private sector. I wonder how that could be... hmmm. Because the company declares bankruptcy and dumps the pension on the PBGC fucking over everyone? Ask an airline employee sometime. Sweet jesus you fuckers are retarded. Go from one extreme to the other to justify one piece of idiocy with another, and then call someone else a fucking retard. Of course you, like j_b and prole, have no solutions.
  16. Good little libtard: show your true disdain for your fellow citizens. Yeah, you really "care" about people.
  17. Public pensions are the item under question, not salaries. And the argument has been that they are unsustainable. Funny how this is not an issue in the private sector. I wonder how that could be... hmmm. And the clown, specifically the ass clown, well that would be you.
  18. We are discussing state and local budgets not federal income taxes or capital gains taxes. YOU have never argued quantitatively exactly what taxes you would raise, for whom, by how much, and what the exact effect of this windfall revenue would be. You only argue (hysterically) about taxes being "not fair" for the "rich" and then spew some drivel about regressive neo-con knuckledragging plutocrats blah blah blah.
  19. that'd be worth a reply if effective employee compensation hadn't gone down for the last 30 years while inequality soared and if your solution for "easing pressure on the budget" was solely for workers to take another compensatinn cut. you made a reply, idiot. Elaborate on the argument you make about effective compensation - are you saying for the private sector it has declined for 30 years but for the private sector it has been the same or improved? I'll hold you to your answer.
  20. Wages fine. Unfunded pensions with auto increases despite the economy. No. So another 6% from the WA budget. Where's should it come from in your opinion? certainly not from austerity measures as it will compound the problem Tighter budgets when the economy is not good - it's temporary and helps reduce the pressure on the budget. When the economy improves, the "austerity" is relaxed. Damn, you're dense.
  21. Shit is only natural around Uranus.
  22. Private companies do it all the time. And w/r/t retirement... so do individual employees at private companies. Sometimes you have to cut 401k from 10% to say 6% when times are not so good. Sometimes you even have to cut below the amount where you get matching funds. That's life, j_b.
  23. and from each according to his ability... you are right on target, j_b!
  24. what is your SOLUTION again?
  25. Pluto was considered a planet for 76 years, and Ceres for 50. Why u no call Ceres a planet, hater? It's all the fault of the Plutocrats. Ask j_b.
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