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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. In this comment you replied to yourself. LOLZ
  2. That picture of the fake bin Laden with brains hanging out of his forehead will only serve the common interest.
  3. If it's posted on the internet, it must be true.
  4. Also, where is the death certificate? I want to see that too.
  5. Holy shit - the Bush administration sure is powerful!
  6. Actually, I think they might be the same person. Did anybody ever see Jim Morrison and Bin Laden together at the same time??? Huh, did they???? Corporate-shill regressive warmongering jingoist propaganda-loving right-wing neofascists will ad-hominem me with their moral turpitude now, though, just for merely questioning the capitalist pig-dog lies coming from the pentagon I wonder if Jimbo bin Laden sang a few lines of "The End" as the SEALs stormed his compound?
  7. Indeed. Fucking pentagon.
  8. I wonder how much she was asking for. I also wonder what if anything REI has changed w/r/t its arrangement with Farily Bicycle Manufacturing.
  9. youhavesuchaflairformeanderingrunonsentencesexhibitingyourmentaldeficiencies
  10. Descpicablemoralturpitudedemonizing HAHAHAHA
  11. You should call him a neofascistic thug! HAHAHAHHA
  13. I hate you. :-)
  14. You're either WITH j_bot or your AGAINST him. LOLZ
  15. because you call your performance of the last 2 weeks in the OBL thread "humor"? You are seriously deluded or perhaps my advice about not smoking the rug was way too late. Gentlemen, we have a J-bot self-reply hat-trick!
  16. and MORAL TURPITUDE!!! Yes, oh master of insipid hyperbolic diarrhea of the mouth - you are ON FIRE today!
  17. You've got quite a collection of spank material there J-bot!
  18. no answer to this part, Attila? Who's Attila, Chairman Mao?
  19. More evasive nothing from you. Bullshit. Anybody that disagrees with you is barraged with a string of your insipid epithets interspersed with claims and assumptions about whatever topic has your panties in a wad that day. Then you follow up with accusations that everyone is going "ad-hominem [sic]" as you, within the same sentence, hurl a bunch of personal insults and accusations.
  20. On which pitch?
  21. You're such a hypocritical joke. Just look at what you wrote in 6 short words...
  22. You stated: "if you don't like people showing how much of a jackass you are, stop behaving like one in public. " The fact that you don't see how laughable that is considering your posting history and patterns doesn't warrant much more effort than a ROTLMAO emoticon, you stupid kook.
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