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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. EXACTLY!! man..there are some freak'in hotties out there...but I'm like...wow sweetie...your so much hotter when you just sit there! K. now close your mouth...thanks. Much better view! no really...don't talk!
  2. lil si sat. kite-boarding Sunday (wind permitting) HUGE 4th of July bash at the beach on Monday.
  3. I know I know it takes more than good looks, bla bla barf barf bla. But...there has to be initial attraction in order to get to the "getting to know the inside you" part. Otherwise...you'll never meet in the first place.
  4. TLG- I paid....I think because I was in shock. seriously...I was like...this has to be a bad dream! Judging books by covers...come on now...men have done it for years!!
  5. Kitergal


  6. Kitergal

    Inanity Contest

    hello kitty of course!
  7. Kitergal

    Bad First Dates

    It's friday...we're bored so my department (all females) and I are sitting around and discussing our WORSE first dates. I'm sure some of you have some GREAT stories!! Here's ONE of my many.... dude asks me out for dinner, but not what sort of food I like. no biggie..I'm not picky and will eat anything. We go to the resteraunt of his choice, (plan to meet there) he shows up 10 minutes late. (typically I only give people 8 minutes then I take off, but he was freak'in hott so I waited longer). We go inside, he sits down, doesn't offer to push my chair in, no choice on where to sit, just points and has me sit. I'm like...ok...no manners..that's trainable. We then order, I wanted the sundried tomato pasta...nope. He ordered for me. Without ASKING! I got some chicken pesto thing. which he then helps me eat...even though I didn't actually ask for his help. I go use the restroom and give my girlfriend the out call...for you men who don't know what the out call is, its when you call a friend from the bathroom and ask them to call you back in 5 minutes with a crisis that I have to go save, car broke down, date ditched her, you know..something. I go back to my seat and he had the wait staff clear my plate. I was like..hmm..where'd my plate go...I wasn't done?!? He said but your thin...and I like you that way, so I didn't think you needed to eat anymore! I'm like WTF!! wowser. He then proceeds to bluntly state...I'm an aethiest...your not some bible thumping chick are you? I was like..wow. bold. THEN THE BILL COMES!! As my friend calls. I answer my phone, play the Oh my gosh, I'll be righ there to save you role. Tell the guy I had to go...and he, SLIDES THE BILL TO ME and say's "hey, you wouldn't mind picking this up would you?" I was like...umm...yeah, no problem. So I pay the bill and get ready to leave and he asks me if he can kiss me! OMFG! I'm like...no. I don't kiss on the first date. YIKES! I know theres better (well worse) stories out there! let's hear them!!
  8. OMG..is that a girl or a guy??
  9. I know you are...but what am I??
  10. hmm..I'm thinking Taco Del Mar again...yup..I'm adicted to that place!
  11. fluff-monger? wow...I kinda like the sounds of it!!
  12. thanks for ruining it for me CBS. I haven't watched it yet!!
  13. so much for the system of checks and balances huh guys...spam..this is gonna be bad.
  14. cup of noodle soup, hershey bar dipped in peanut butter. yup..nothing but healthy today!!
  15. OMG! I love it! Thanks Chris! I definately needed that today!!
  16. Kitergal


    wholey crap..that is a random e-mail!!! You know this guy...I hope??
  17. isn't he an engineer of some kind?? I bet it's a good job!
  18. no crying...I'm pretty sure she's a girl!!
  19. hee hee...is that peak really named furry mount?? hee hee..
  20. yeah..I still haven't figured that one out....
  21. Kitergal

    Pub Club?

    hey...I'll be climbing little Si on Saturday...hmm...drinks after??
  22. ok..so back to lunch...what is it today?? left over beef strokenoff for me!!
  23. Kitergal

    Bush on TV

    nice! Thanks guys..you just edgumacated me!!
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