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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. Her husband has recently quit his job (engineer) as well because her ice cream shops are supporting both of them, and their travel habits. At first...she worked..A LOT. But I also know the guy who opened the taco del mar/starbucks combo in ellensburg...he never worked at either of them from day one. It depends on the management agreement you get yourself into with the franchisee. Leanne chose to be the store manager (kick backs from the franchisee that you're more involved means you'll work harder for the success of the store). She works a lot. BUT...she's also at the point where she's looking to hire her management replacement and let the store run itself. But then again, she's also opening her second one...which will require her to work her butt off again...
  2. in all honesty..I think a franchise is the way to go if you want to own your own business but not take the risks involved. Most of the franchises do the research and population analysis and will not let you open one up at a location that won't work. Besides...they do all the marketing, advertising, and well...work associated with start ups. Pretty low risk...just pretty hard to qualify for one. Takes some cash and an awesome credit record.
  3. My best friend is opening her second coldstone creamery up. She was an engineer....she's now making ice cream and more money than she can spend. She loves life!
  5. Apricot Ale!! YUMMMY!!! It's like candy!
  6. OMFG!! What do your neighbors think of you and your new hobbie..I mean...war??
  7. umm..wow.
  8. ok. I got the Enumclaw deal sent to me...Thanks Thinker. So far, a stripper from Ricks named katherine who "want's to be taken out African style", has called in, a dump truck driver, and a car salesmen!! Yeah...nice demographics! Not that I'm passing judgement on these careers...but the stripper that wants to be taken out African style...kinda set me off...
  9. BUT I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOWWWWWW DAMN IT!!! (feet stomping, arms wailing)
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong...which I very well could be.... but doesn't bush own/have an interest in oil companies somewhere? Therefore, isn't he anti- alternate fuel resources? which in turn could relate to the outrageous fuel prices? this is just a rumor I've been hearing..so I don't know if it's true or not..
  11. Oh boy...mental images now flooding brain...smoke...sparks...shutting down...system failure... And of course...it has to turn sexual!! OF COURSE!! It is CC after all!!
  12. like I said..it depends on "what" he's referring too!! c'mon Arch...I know there are things in life that you excel at...that you can probably sit back and say..yeah...I have more experience at XYZ than most. Everyone has different experiences in life, and everyone has different levels of experiences.
  13. so having patience...and experience is related how?? I admit to having no patience...but experience...please define experience? Depending on experience in "what" I am pretty confident that I have as much if not more than most of the people who post on this board.
  14. wow dude...hope you have a speedy recovery!! spam..sounds painful!
  15. yeah..I wasn't sure if it was you or me...but please...I need clarification as well if it's aimed at me!!
  16. patience...The crap I'm referring to is the sitting around and waiting and patience crap. I don't have patience. It's the gene missing from my gene pool....and i admit it's a huge flaw of mine!!
  17. LIFE IS A GAME ARCH!! Play it! Love it! Live it! The more you play, the more fun you have!! My way of living anyways?! Maybe it's wrong..but if I had to sit around and wait for a "loving, caring" thing to happen...I'd go insane. I don't have the patience for that crap. Play life, and have fun at it!
  18. I definately want to hear the enumclaw one! CBS called me up HOWLING last night..so I have to hear it!! Can someone post this somewhere?? PLEEEEZZZ!!!
  19. what?? it's ok for the guys to play..but when a women does it's a bad thing?? C'mon now. I've had my turns at men that were sweethearts, had a heart, etc. They're most of my best friends. Guys like them...are never single. So I shall play with the heartless cruel men, until I find one with a heart...that's single!! How/why is that bad?
  20. it's not reactionary girlfriend....it's about playing the offense vs. defense. If you were reactionary...you'd be the one pissed off that you just got played. Offense..you play! Don't hate the pla'ya, hate the game!!
  21. Kitergal

    Public Apology

    and posted!!
  22. You just proved my point! Thank you!!!!! PS: I didn't say your dad was heartless...But he is a guy and you kinda didn't qualify your earlier comments, now did you???? My dad is a MAN. There's a HUGE difference. so a man is not a guy? Oh, my bad... My point is that there are many many family men that would literally lay down their lives for their family...without even a second thought... And they're all married with children...Trust me. All the good ones are TAKEN, and we're just left with the crap!! The ones that are heartless!!
  23. please ellaborate....tell me about the dreams...
  24. so turn it around on them Arch...men are just as easily replacable!! Why buy the whole pig when you just want the sausage??
  25. You just proved my point! Thank you!!!!! PS: I didn't say your dad was heartless...But he is a guy and you kinda didn't qualify your earlier comments, now did you???? My dad is a MAN. There's a HUGE difference.
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