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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. WHAT?? Sick of this Weather?? SHAME ON YOU!! ENJOY IT! We only have, what, like...2 weeks left? ENJOY IT! Enjoy every minute of it!! Don't ever take it for granted!! LOVE IT! LOVE IT ALL!!
  2. Got this dance that's more than real Drink Brass Monkey - here's how you feel Put your left leg down - your right leg up Tilt your head back - let's finish the cup M.C.A. with the bottle - D. rocks the can Adrock gets nice with Charlie Chan We're offered Moet - we don't mind Chivas Wherever we go with bring the Monkey with us Adrock drinks three - Mike D. is D. Double R. foots the bill most definitely I drink Brass Monkey and I rock well I got a Castle in Brooklyn - that's where I dwell
  3. how do you search by post number??
  4. I say it depends on where ya live/hike/explore?
  5. reported cougar attacks and cougar attacks are different. My neighbor has been attacked 4 times. he killed the last one with a 2x4, and it's stuffed on his mantel. Another guy who lives down the hill from me, has been attacked twice. These are both big men. Not every attack is reported. My horse was attacked two years ago 3 feet from my bedroom window!
  6. yeah, the cougars scare me in bars or in the wild. I've seen my fair share of both! GO DAWGS!!
  7. I have seen those, and that's another question...do they work? Or are they "dinner bells"? One of my Mt. Biker buddy's swears that by painting eyes on the back of his helmet...it keeps the cougars from pouncing...since they only pounce when their prey's back is turned... I don't know..that's my question..does anyone have proof, real life experience, stories, that any of this shiznit works??
  8. Opps...I missed this one! Sorry! I've been out of town! Trying to catch up...thoughts..OHHH YEAH!! could be a lot of fun!
  9. Kind of off topic, but not really...when you all are out soloing....whether it be hiking, climbing, camping, trail running, alpine, or just taking a stroll in the wilderness...do you bring anything to fend off bears or cougars or the like? If so, what? and how effective is it? Am I OVERLY worried about this stuff? I seem to see cougar/bears etc quite often when I'm out and it freaks me out! Just last week I was out on my Mt. Bike and ended up riding between a bear and her cub...not good. I know. Needless to say I backed up and rapidly went the other way....The week before that, I sensed I was being followed on my trail run, so I started running backwards and sure enough a cougar took off in the woods to the left of me. I DO NOT LIKE THESE CLOSE CALLS, but I LOVE to play outside!! My dog just had surgery, she used to be my "protection" so to say, but she can't play for 4-8 more weeks! Obviously this isn't a concern on the "dog" routes or extremely popular camping areas, but I try to avoid those. So when I'm out by myself...what should I bring? I'd have to say I'm EXTREMELY aware of my surroundings, which I think has me a) paranoid, and b) saved my ass in a couple of instances...but what else can I do? Talk loudly to myself? Clap my hands? Make my presense known? Or is that theory over-rated as well?
  10. Kitergal


  11. Dru- I miss your spinning head....
  12. This is freak'in HILLARIOUS!! OMFG!!
  13. TLG YOU ROCK!! Good job girlfriend!!
  14. Hey Ken, I'm gonna do Kili in February....Wanna come with?? PM me! -Marie
  15. Kitergal

    Grizzly Movie

    Have you heard of this new documentary about the guy who lived among Grizzlies? It's controversial because it contains a supposedly very difficult to sit through audio recording of him getting killed by a bear at the end. I heard that and didn't want to see it, but since I saw this preview now I want to see it....I think... http://www.apple.com/trailers/lions_gate/grizzly_man/large.html
  16. no clue how to attach pics...otherwise snugtop I'd challenge you!!
  17. I agree Arch..although I think it's soo sick that it's funny! It's kinda funny that people would think of an American woman in those terms!! it just kinda makes me laugh!!
  18. I would also suggest this. I have been going there since I was a kid and it really is a cool (literally) place. Seriously..one of the best places on earth!! I love that place. Plan on getting wett! (oh yeah, the best part is because it's a scramble over a log jam, and a wade through waist high water...you won't have the crowds as the others!!) It's not really a hike though...more of a stop on the way!
  19. I'm gonna puke! Chepkurgor said his letter praised Clinton's leadership and commended his wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, for standing by her husband "like an African woman" in the face of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. OMG!! This is funny!! good find Oly!!
  20. I got blamed at your wedding reception, For your best man?s embarrassing speech. And also for those naked pictures of you at the beach. I?ve influenced Kings and world leaders, I helped Hemingway write like he did. And I?ll bet you a drink or two, that I can make you put that lampshade on your head.
  21. can make anybody pretty. I can make you believe any lie. I can make you pick a fight with somebody twice your size. Well, I?ve been known to cause a few break-ups, An' I?ve been known to cause a few births. Well, I can make you new friends, or get you fired from work.
  22. works good enough for me!!
  23. I get my therapy in a bottle!!
  24. for some reason...the song cowboy came to mind when I read this!! I think you can rent from REI?
  25. and this is the seattle's equivalent...it's awesome as well...but yeah, waiting list.. http://www.superfunhappydog.com/
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