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Everything posted by archenemy

  1. Oh, and I totally fucking suck at skiing. You will immediately feel like your skiing improves three levels just by watching me and laughing. Serious though, ski a bunch and let me pay half your gas.
  2. I would recommend ride sharing with me to wherever you are going skiing next week.
  3. Obviously it is the child care centers that should be banned. Duh.
  4. Why? There are many people who view morality apart from religion but still see a danger in proceeding down a path to save one human life at the expense of an innocent and sentient being. Bush's decision to not allow taxpayer funding of stem cell research--while not pursuing a ban on private research--struck a fair balance, IMO. How do you explain supporting war then? That uses innocent lives as well as the majority of our tax money.
  5. archenemy

    Boys From Brazil

    Anyone remember the movie Crimson River?
  6. Indeed, it would seem that our departure from the extended family, and acceptance of the nuclear family, has resulted in the elderly becoming more of a burden than a valuable cultural resource. With many families opting to place individuals in care facilities where they can be kept conveniently out of the way, often not even remotely offered the care in adulthood they provided their progeny in infancy. In short "you gotta stay young and useful or we'll put ya in a home!" Wow. That is so sad to read--totally to the point and absolutely true.
  7. I don't know, that could be true. But for me, the "to have kids or not" has been one of the bigger "non-dilemmas" in my life. Of course, I ain't done living yet so I expect bigger issues to unfold. Life has a way of doing that... Glad to hear things worked out for your friend. Sounds like he'll probably be happier and get to live the life he wants to live. And I hope his ex GF finds the right man for her.
  8. archenemy

    Boys From Brazil

    Boys from Brazil = Sepultura.
  9. Owwww, a different auction!
  10. No wiser words were ever spoken TS!!!
  11. Strange. All my women friends make at least as much if not more money than the men they are with -- married or otherwise. What is up with people chosing to marry someone they don't think is their equal? Why would you marry someone who couldn't support themselves without their "marriage income" and then hold it against that person when the split requires half the property? I am baffled as to how any man could be that stupid and then be that bitter against a person HE CHOSE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
  12. Really? Great idea. We should push to implement that soon as we require people to get a license before breeding. New test before each rugrat.
  13. And stem cell testing finally got its go ahead.
  14. It is sad we live in a society that does not give respect to those who have experienced life. And in fact, those very aging people don't demand respect for their lives, but rather, continue the weird false belief that being younger is somehow better than being older. I don't understand.
  15. Although you can't go wrong by just wearing a bit of hunter orange, you really need to be mostly concerned with MFA Deer season IMO. Elk isn't really in the woods so much and are hunted later in the year so you usually see track in snow as well as have some clear lines of sight. Confusing the sounds of a bear with that of a human is very difficult, but not impossible, to do. Birders usually hunt with dogs and unless you smell like a bitch in heat you won't be what that dog points at. Snaffle season, on the other hand, is something I didn't consider. What ever happened to the good old days of Carl Spackler? What have we come to?
  16. I'll bet you 3.8 million that his 15 minutes ran out quicker.
  17. When I am just hiking during hunting season, I wear hunter orange and--more importantly--i put a hunter orange vest-thingy on my dog. Why regulate common sense? Cuz it ain't so common anymore!
  18. get it? Arms? I'll be here all week.
  19. does that chick have a lot of arms or am I just seeing things?
  20. Dude, NZ is totally on sale right now. I just got an email about a 270 each way ticket. Wow. Sure beats ~$3500! Totally serious. if you are looking to go, now is the time to speak up.
  21. Goal: To not post to this thread again.
  22. archenemy

    So Damn Sick!

    "jerk" for short.
  23. And the Mariners are gonna win this year!
  24. Dude, NZ is totally on sale right now. I just got an email about a 270 each way ticket.
  25. Who the fuck is JayB?
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