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Everything posted by archenemy

  1. archenemy

    H8ers suck

    yeah. more like polar bares. brrr.
  2. archenemy

    So Damn Sick!

    Burn her!
  3. On Touchstone wall: My buddy and I were testing out a new full set of big wall gear--ledge and all. We camped one pitch off the ground(ya, I know: big adventure). It was dark. Some young buck showed up suddenly and asked if he could rap off our rope. It was late and we were already set up for the night. He was on his own and obviously needed to get down. I said, "sure" and he started rapping. I assumed he was going off a line that lead down to the ground since we were so close. But, it didn't feel right by the way the portaledge was moving; so I looked at my partner and asked him, "is this kid rapping off our haul line?" My buddy says, "I am afraid so" I said, "But that doesn't reach the ground". He looks at me, straight in the face and says with a totally straight face, "I know". That is a quote I won't forget.
  4. Everything favors old trad folk. You know why? Cuz everyone else sucks.
  5. Repeat after me: "There is NOTHING wrong with back hair". It just needs a little attention, that's all.
  6. Can someone bring me up to snuff real quick on this thread?
  7. archenemy


    I used the printer at work. Now, I will simply spool my new print jobs and wait for my next job.
  8. archenemy

    So Damn Sick!

    Move to the States.
  9. It didn't really set in when chicks started standing up; it was when they started getting educated that it became a problem.
  10. archenemy


    First person? But can you type while engaging the present participle? Let us know when the preterite can be applied to the O. Dude, you are not talking to Yngve anymore.
  11. You are not the answer to the universe.
  12. Are they included in the price?
  13. archenemy


    I am very eager to hear what your idea is for a target market.
  14. archenemy


    I have a great money making idea! It is like a helmet cam, but it attached to a vibrator.
  15. I just realized she could double her money with a dutch auction.
  16. archenemy


  17. Lame. Just sell the kids.
  18. archenemy


    Really? I want to retake an O myself today.
  19. I fucking hate California. But I'd pick it over Mexico right now...
  20. Oh, and I am comfortable over 30, Mr Jung.
  21. Count me in too. Any trad or aid climbing in your near future? PM me.
  22. Not true.
  23. What is he doing with his right hand? When are they gonna bury that sad fuck? I think it would be symbolic is so many ways. He doesn't look to have the hands of a worker--and is that nail polish?
  24. Dude, get Photoshop
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