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Everything posted by letsroll

  1. Right now I climb in the Nepal Extreams year round. Looking for a good summer, and much lighter boot. For right now I am leaning towards the Trango s evo gtx. Are they going to be ridged enough for crampons? THey did not feel stiff enough in the soles for crampons, would that be better for rock? THe other boots I was looking at was the Trango extream s, or then trango exteram evo gtx. What are peoples thoughts? I know they have no insulation, but I am looking for light weight summer boot that my foot will not sweat out in 5 minutes.
  2. Hope you have enough gear for the cold. I second what robertjoy said. Also you have not had any alpine experence at alitude, not a good thing. Pass on this trip and go later in the year and have better weather.
  3. found them for 507. These will be for doing laps for day trips. Long distance stuff will be left to the light set-up. http://christysports.com/acatalog/Online_Catalog_Volkl_Gotama____BR_____507_50_276.html
  4. letsroll


    sweet I was at MT Rose on friday and half of sat. The snow and sun was fun If more $$ would have stayed the week.
  5. ok I feel better now. I a not out in left field as I thought. Now to find them on sale. If I can get these then I will have a sweet quiver.
  6. I have done the overhand and would put in two overhand knots. The second is a backup of the first with tails on the second.
  7. also thinking about mounting in the middle instead of the slightly back traditional set-up. How much is that going to affect the float? Been hitting the terrain parks (just the jumps) and having a blast with the current set-up.
  8. "The Gotama represents the newest in twin-tip powder ski technology. Developed to blend big mountain, deep-powder skiing with new-school style, the Gotama is the cornerstone of Völkl's freeskiing collection" Just got done with a trip to Tahoe (Mt Rose) and was just toying with the idea of getting a Fattie set-up. Has anybody toured with these puppies. I know you will not be doing laps with these things. Right now i run Atomic TM-X's with Dynafit bindings and mega ride boots. But have a set of Freerides in the box begging for some boards to drive . Are they just noodles? Sales right now might be good so I figure now might be the right time to pick up some planks to ride on.
  9. letsroll

    washing rope

    I wish. Dirty from last year. Looking to get out now since the alpine season is going to suck.
  10. I am heading down in that area also later this month, Butt loads of climbing then little work and more climbing. when are you going? I have been thinking about hitting something at tahoe?
  11. letsroll

    washing rope

    ok for the first time I need to wash my climbing rope. What do I use to clean it and what is the best way to go about it. I remember something about the washingmachine, but how?
  12. enjoy.....sufing...what is that, sun, warm water, whatever...
  13. stronger calves good one. What are you up to sat?
  14. I could care less when to drink water or when to put clothes on. Just want to have it when a white out rolles in and there are no land marks. I have been on hood several times in white outs and thought if I were on a mountain I did not know so well it would be really nice to have one. I have a GPS and I never use the damn thing. If I do take it (very rare, once last season) 99.9% of the time it stays in my pack never used. However if I am going to get gear I want the best that I can get/afford.
  15. can you get into Lassen Pk in the winter?
  16. the vertech looks like a great watch. It does not say it is backlit. I am going to check it out more. Thanks for all the info.
  17. just thought I would ask. So Skiis are going to be left at the bottom. I don't mind packing the skiis on steep terrain as long as it is not a sketch fest.
  18. I was looking at solo NF of hood with skiis to carry over to summit and decend the cooper spur in poons till I can ski the spur with a safe runout. Will the skiis get in my way while going up NF or should I just leave them at the bottom ?
  19. THere was a lot of stuff falling down from the face and the snow slope above me. I think I saw you two decending. I saw one solo going down the palmer and then two. I followed you tracks crossing white river. WI2 on WyEast..mmmmm I will have to check that out. It was a great day to be out on the mountain.
  20. sweet I took the wrong route. But damn it was fun. I am thinking there will be a round two for that one. This time it will be in the morning and without skiis
  21. Climb: Hood-Steel Cliffs Date of Climb: 2/17/2005 Trip Report: Had a bad day at work and looked out side and decided what the hell time to get some turns in and see if the climbing is any good. Left T-line around 1 pm and skinned along white river. I was thinking about doing WyEast but wanted to do the Steele cliffs (looked like a fun route) so when the time for a decision came I said "hat the hell lets have some fun." Now what to do with my skiis? Leave them at the base or carry over? What good are skiis if you don't use them right! SO carry over it was. After getting the poons on and getting out the tools it was up..up..and away time. At the base of the cliff there is a rock band and had a blast climbing that (skiis got hung up a couple of times, not bad). At the top of the rock band I had to move right to this slot in the wall. It started about20-30 ft wide and narrowed to about 4-5 ft across with a water fall at the end of it. I thought Shit I am not ready for this, but I did not want to down climb what I had came up, so up it was. The ice was wet, and went from a nice slope to vertical. I was having fun and thought I wouold make it over the top. Then the crux 10 ft from the top of the waterfall the ice hung down to the left and was slightly overhanging and to the right is was thin ice over rock. After attempting to get a placement and getting nothing but rotten ice I started to contiplate turning around than then it happend. My skiis (still strapped to my back) knocked a piece of ice the size of a basketball off and it hit me in the face. At first I thought I lost a tooth, thank god it was not so. Spitting blood all over the place I decided it was time to go home. Found an easier way down the rock band and skiied out falling many a time. YOu would be making nice solid turns then you would punch through the thick crust and boom I would be sent flying from my skiis. THe fist half of the day was great, sun and the hope of a good climb. The second half was another. My question is how do people get past the water ice or did I leave way too late. I knew it was going to be harder than the south side, but I did not expect this. Gear Notes: Skiis, poons, tools. SHould have left in the morning and the ice would have been more solid Approach Notes: snow all the way, but it is getting thin on the ridges fast boys so get it while you can.
  22. So how high does the altimeter go on the Nike? What are the scale for the altimeter? Since you have one. I looked and could not find any info.
  23. Has anyone tried out the Nike altimeter watches? I did a search and came up with nada.
  24. ya falling no go. Longer than I think ok, that is good to know. I am keeping my fingers crossed for no or High clouds and with any luck wil be able to ski off Wyeast for the decent. Snow should be stable.
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