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Everything posted by Lars

  1. Lars

    Penguin smacking

    why is a link to this game re-posted every couple of months?
  2. When polls were closed, We all supposed It couldn't be much closer! Now Libs are torn, Downcast...Forlorn, And Soros is moroser! The votes were cast, And now at last The counting could begin. Monsieur LaMoore, Was very sure, His flick would do George in. But now instead, The states are Red, And Hollywood is Blue. Ben Affleck's mad, Susan Sarandon's sad, And Whoopi's come unglued! Begala whines, The Left Be-Heinz, "The Boss" just wonders..."HOW!?" James Carville pouts, O'Donnell shouts... No time to Ketchup now! The Kerry Crowd, Was brash and loud, The cool and hip were pumped! In Franken-Land, They took their stand... "War Hero" John's been dumped. At CBS? Lord, what a mess! Dan Rather wears a frown. He's quite distressed... Some say depressed. Poor Dan, He's goin' down. There's "Hardball" Chris, Who loved to kiss, The rear of liberal guests... Convention night, Ol' Zell was right... To that we may attest. At CNN, It's sinkin' in... Oh my! They're all in shock! "Ohio's RED!" John Kerry's Dead!" "By George! We've been out-Foxed!
  3. Lars

    Swingin' Snaffle!

    for a dude, you seem a little too interested in nuts.
  4. the election is over pope, you can stop making things up now.
  5. There was a much married woman who walked into a bridal shop one day and told the sales clerk that she was looking for a wedding gown for her fourth wedding. "Well", replied the sales clerk, "exactly what type of dress are you looking for?" The bride to be said:, "A long frilly white dress with a veil." The sales clerk didn't know quite what to say but she finally said, "Frankly, madam, gowns of that nature are considered more appropriate for brides who are being married the first time - for those who are a bit more innocent, if you know what I mean?" "Well" replied the customer, more than a little put out. "I can assure you that I am as innocent as the rest of them. Believe it or not, despite all my marriages, I remain as innocent as any first time bride." "You see, my first husband was so excited about our wedding he died as we were checking into our hotel. My second husband and I got into a terrible fight in the limo on our way to the reception and have not spoken since. We had that wedding annulled immediately." "What about your third husband?" asked the sales clerk. "Well" said the woman, "he was a Democrat and every night for four years he just sat on the edge of the bed and told me how good it was going to be."
  6. anything that increases ted kennedy's alcohol consumption cant be half bad no point in trying to delay the inevitable
  7. what was he doing ass hunting in Wisconsin in the first place?
  8. i wonder if you guys complaining about government subsidies have ever actually seen a farm? (pictures in books dont count)
  9. funny how the left is so careful about how they criticize minorities. if condi rice was white the DNC attack machine would be running full speed ahead.
  10. Lars

    Arafat has died

    true, but so is Ariel Sharon. not to mention Dubya. last week you guys were calling him hitler, now he's a terrorist? geez, make up your mind
  11. Lars

    Arafat has died

    arafat was a terrorist, plain and simple. the world is a better place without him.
  12. feel free to slit your wrists anytime dave. spare yourself from suffering later.
  13. "I am not trying to stop all outsourcing" "a tax cut for 99% of taxpaying corporations" sounds like kerry is flip-flopping again. it would be interesting to know where he gave that speech.
  14. Lars

    win $50,000

    an honorable discharge isnt good enough anymore? not that it matters...whatever is released proving his service will be discounted by the dems and anyone else with their political blinders on. this is a non-issue, just as much as questioning kerry's military service. i dont care what happened over 30 years ago. i care about what is going to happen tomorrow, and after the election. pull your head out of your liberal ass and try to come up with something constructive.
  15. or just get a car...no bike lock to mess with
  16. Lars


    it has nothing to do with defending getting anyones guy elected, it's a matter of the 12th amendment in that pesky US constitution that many seem to hold so dear, whether or not it gets their guy elected. it's not an issue of bias. nice try tho...
  17. Lars


    thats not true at all. the larger states have more electoral votes in proportion with their population. the smaller states have never had more influence within this type of system. if the electoral college was not used, the smaller states would have no voice and elections would be decided by only 4 states (CA, TX, NY, FL). the politicians would spend all their time campaigning in the big cities and ignore the rest of middle america. they would not need, or care about the rest of us. not that they actually do now, but more so if the electoral college wasnt used. this goes for BOTH parties. the dickless liberals are just as guilty as the crazed neocons in that respect.
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