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Everything posted by griz

  1. it's garbage. low quality poles and made for the Dick's Sporting Good crowd. good for car camping, i guess but not a expedtion quality tent by any stretch of the imagination...
  2. evolve or die.
  3. I've been the president of the Super Adventure Club for nearly 20 years now.
  4. that's all for MisterE.
  5. yeah, what the hell is your point? There are only a handful of countries that are too shitty for a semi adventurous american to travel to in the world. Iraq, sections of afghanistan, ect. Not many. Crawl out of your closet and enjoy the other 99% of the world that is no more dangerous than driving to work on Monday. I've enjoyed the tools on this board getting all worried over friends in Nepal because a couple policemen got killed at a random road block. Gimme a break. It's like getting all freaked out over some cop getting shot by some drugged out fucktard in LA while your friend was bar hopping and getting blown in a gay bar in San Francisco. It sucks for the cop but in the big picture...it doesn't change much. It's the same when some Palestinian kid gets shot throwing a rock at Israeli troops. There are a hell of allot greater statistical deaths in the US with Cop on kid/ kid on kid/ kid on cop yet it goes largely unnoticed here. If it is a politically related death then it gets press. Similar deaths that are not political do not get press. Bottom line is you live in one of the most dangerous countries in the world for experiencing a violent death yet you are afraid to leave our borders? Buy a plane ticket and you'll live longer.
  6. go stuff some moss up your ass, misterE
  7. this thread made me all sentimental over the PNW now. So for kicks i started looking at some old pictures of some of my good ol hiking partners up there after some of my favorite hikes. Enjoy!!!
  8. that's funny because whenever i need a pick me up or miss the cascades i just thumb through my PNW summit photos... mt. rainier summit view mt. hood- life is good on the summit!!!! mt. baker summit view mt. adams view from the top: mt. si- wow what a view!!!!! mt. pilfuck- so close by but oh the view!!!!!! and then at least I can take comfort that I live in colorado now.
  9. griz

    I miss Druy

    yo, dumbass, g-spotter is that dumbfuck drool now. it ain't rocket science...
  10. Your brain is about as useless as a dried up hooker if you think you got that one right.
  11. except you... link
  12. so, monkey fuckers, if some dude sent you(another guy) an email like this then you wouldn't find it the least bit patronizing? If that showed up in my inbox I'd throw you in a fucking lake. crazyt, you sound so deep and sensitive when you use the word "relationship". Who would you rather do...Jake or Heath? Someday your balls may drop...keep the faith!
  13. griz

    sexy name decoder

    ...undone crotch zipper and all...
  14. griz

    sexy name decoder

    GRIZ : Gash Reaming Incestuous Zombie Fuuuuuuck. I don't like this game....
  15. ...anymore. good day, my favorite PNW asshats. don't forget to scrape that mold growing on your backside and feet.
  16. not trolling...just calling it like i see it, gentlemen. also, i was not aware it had never been soloed before. you would think everything has been soloed on that mtn at one time or another. and no i don't live in boulder...
  17. Sure, but i doubt it would be followed by 3 pages of ass kissing from a bunch of dirty old men if it wasn't some young climber chic. I doubt it would even get mentioned here.
  18. i kind of agree with tex. if i (a dude) did the climb then nobody would give a shit, including me. the thread seems abit patronizing to the gal in my opinion.
  19. If i was you, I'd be more worried about shagging each and every one of those betties on your show before you give those bunch of gold diggers the boot... Down the road,after the one you choose divorces you and takes you for every penny you've earned then you will be really angry at the world and climbing will be the perfect outlet. Come back to this site in a few years ,after the divorce, and then we will give you the names of the guide books you seek. in the mean time, make sure you come back and post how each one was in the sack. especially interested in this one:
  20. It's not as bad as that but yeah,pretty funny and not good,for sure... from the NY times: "In a statement on Monday night, Mr. Cheney's office said a member of his staff had asked the Parks and Wildlife Department for all of the necessary permits for the vice president to go quail hunting in Texas and had paid $140. But, the statement said, the staff member was not informed of the need for an additional stamp, costing $7, to allow hunting of upland game birds. It said Mr. Cheney has now sent a $7 check to the department." In some ways, some states are pretty loose w/ laws about hunting/fishing on private property too. Public land is a different story though.
  21. mmm...purdy rock. no, i have not climbed it before but looks like something i should...
  22. climbingboulder is mountainproject.com now didn't you get the memo?
  23. no, we don't want him either. I hear minnesota has good climbing though...
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