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John Frieh

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Everything posted by John Frieh

  1. I (as well as a number of dudes on this site) am/are generally available weekday nights and gone on the weekends. I would love to climb 2-3 nights a week at various locals around PDX... as the weather turns into rain I prefer to drytool. Most of us post in the PDX climb night thread when we are looking to climb... I think Doug is looking to climb tomorrow (Thursday). Shoot him a PM if you want to go tomorrow and get a hold of me after the 12th of Sept and we can start climbing week nights. Sound good? John 541-231-2062
  2. On a regular basis or just this coming week? Check out the PDX climb night thread in the events forum.
  3. I'd be in but I'm leaving for Idaho tomorrow. Starting next week (12th of Sept) I will be grounded to PDX for awhile so I am game any night... dry tool, whatever. Shoot Bill Coe, Ivan, Ireneo Funes, or Castlecrag a pm.
  4. Mount Andromeda some time this month after the 12th. WI4/M6 comfort level (leading not just following). No exceptions. PM and we can talk.
  5. Sounds like Oleg has already started drytooling out there.
  6. Just start the coffee and cigs diet man! You don't have to be strong if you don't have any mass to pull!
  7. Bump. Does anyone know if Cascade Crags is holding a dry ice fest this year? I didn't see anything on their website...
  8. I will be out all next week trying to remove what skin I have left from my hands and in general trying to kill myself so the earliest I could start back up would the 13th of Sept. Ivan knows where all the lines are at... he could show you guys around. I vote we move this discussion to the PDX climb night thread and you guys hash out what nights work best for you. I'm available for up to 3 midweek nights per week anytime.
  9. That's where I come in
  10. I got you covered dear If anybody wants me to transport up some Terminal Gravity IPA for them get ahold of me and we can work out the details.
  11. Assuming I can hike my fat ass up them in the first place I can't believe Oleg has been on this site this long and not heard/seen DT night! Oleg and Ivan how soon you want to start back up?
  12. I am posting this here as it seems most PDXers keep an eye on this thread... If you are interested in pooling to rope up shoot me a pm.
  13. We've got the group campsite reserved. Come one come all. In the past, folks have set up and supervised some top-ropes for novice climbers, and others have paired up at the campsite to go climbing, while still others have spent the weekend just hanging out in the canyon. Expect some kind of a party on Friday and Saturday nights, with maybe a slideshow on Sat. Chime in here or contaxt Minx or Olyclimber with ideas. PDXers interested in carpooling to and from please contact me. Also if anyone (cough... cough... terminal gravity... cough) would like to donate a keg or two and needs someone to transport it from the distributor I am happy to volunteer for this duty also. Marie! AAA, AA, C or D batteries?
  14. Anybody going to be climbing at Index Monday or Tuesday? Not looking for a partner...
  15. Don't tell JosephH Get your butt out to dt night if you want to wear crampons.
  16. Sweet! FYI everyone: All the topos should be in gallery if people are looking for them. Hey Jim! What routes did you do? I'm headed out there Sept 8th - 12th if anyone wants to pool!
  17. Anyone? I can go any time. Call me as I will be offline: 541-231-2062
  18. Ergo for alpine... Nomic for mixed sport. Nice that they have the hole in the handle though I'd like to see the ergo have one.
  19. Email me some pics and I wil gladly Maybe if we start climbing together I can do it next year for you PS HAPPY BIRTHDAY !
  20. So finally PDX climb night takes off and I'm out of the state for 3 weeks Regardless: great job guys! The more the merrier! A few weeks with Bill and your perception of Rocky will greatly change! I hope this many people come to dry tool night once the weather changes for winter!
  21. Try living in Portland!
  22. Me too! But in the end... do what make you the happiest... fast, slow, alone, expedition, in winter, naked... etc
  23. Can one replace the pick? Grivel claimed one didn't need to worry about replacement on the original monster as the pick was so beefy... since they thinned down the pick on this one does this mean I need to worry now?
  24. Not sure if this is related but I'd like to change my avatar from its current hate/chest beater label magnet status to my real name (not that it would help anything )... is this an option? If not when we switch to the new provider will it be an option then? Or am I forced to just register a new avatar? With that said anonymous avatars are fine with me... it's the internet for heaven's sake... anonymous or not who really gives a shit beyond us losers who waste away the hours waiting for page tops and another chance to flame someone?
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