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Everything posted by faster_than_you

  1. http://www.scientomogy.info/index.html
  2. The issue below discusses American soldiers using gnarly pictures of dead Iraqis as trade for free pornography on the web site below... BTW, the last link is not for the faint of heart. http://eastbayexpress.com/Issues/2005-09-21/news/news.html http://www.nowthatsfuckedup.com/bbs/ftopic4178.html
  3. I'm faster_than_you
  4. Poo gets older too? But I'm "faster_than_you!" The Rooster just turned three, Snugtop's away, in humid DC. and what the hell is: Flu?
  5. Places to go in DC... and it should be quiet b/c I think congress is in recess. There is a GREAT Italian place near Dupont Circle. I can't recall the name, but it's on the south side of P street between 19th and 21st. It's $$$ Definitely try the Tabard Inn . 2.5$ Nice atmosphere in the lobby (particularly in winter b/c there is a nice fire place and relaxing furniture.) http://www.tabardinn.com/home.htm It's on 1739 N street. Panache' Tapas, music can be a bit loud at night, but hip - Good drinks. $$ 1725 Desales St. near the ABC building (not far from the other restaurants.) 18th Street lounge if you're getting swanky at night. Hip music, drinks, etc... In DC, men actually "party" in ties. Sometime Club 930 has good shows. And supposedly, the Bush twins party (or did) at Smith Point, a hot spot for young R's to hang out...
  6. What a hottie! I'm curious though, what's that in the left pocket? Looks like a little package of...
  7. A "Divot" is what you get when you enter an "Icefall" without "Crampons." Oh my god, the nodder.
  8. Sniff sniff... Better call in an investigator.
  9. NZ bachelor on rabbit sex charge 13 August 2005 By LES KENNEDY Sydney Morning Herald SYDNEY: A man faced an Australian court yesterday charged with having sexual relations with a rabbit and the sadistic killing of 17 other rabbits whose carcasses were found dumped in a lane. Brendan Francis McMahon, 36, North Sydney, appeared briefly before Central Local Court Magistrate Allan Moore yesterday charged with having allegedly committed the offences over the past three weeks. McMahon, a New Zealand born finance company director, sat quietly in the dock during the hearing at which he was represented by barrister Doug Marr. No plea was entered to a total of 21 charges laid by polcie against McMahon, a business partner with Jason Meares, the former brother-in-law of James Packer. McMahon, who's company website claims he is a former Bachelor of the Year winner, was arrested by detectives at a house in Tamarama early yesterday. The investigation began after skinned and partially-skinned dead and dying rabbits began to appear in a laneway off York Street, near Circular Quay in late July. The laneway adjoined a building in which McMahon occupied a first floor office from which he ran a financial planning and mortgage brokerage company. Before McMahon was charged police alleged some of the rabbits had been thrown from some height into the laneway. In addition to 17 rabbits, police also found a dead guinea pig in the lane. Alarmed at the continuing discovery of freshly killed rabbits, some whose genitalia had allegedly been mutilated, detectives began contacting city pet stores to determine who had been buying rabbits. Police found that a credit card in McMahon's name had been used to purchase the animals at a number of pet shops. Police also seized a security video showing a man buying a pet. In all McMahon was charged with 17 counts of acts of aggravated cruelty upon an animal between July 20 and August 11. He was further charged with committing an act of bestiality with an animal between 3am and 4am on August 1. McMahon was further charged with two counts of possession of cannabis. His barrister, Mr Marr, told Mr Moore that McMahon would not be applying for bail today but would make a formal application next Friday, August 19. Mr Moore formally refused McMahon bail and ordered him to reappear before the court via a prison video link next week.
  10. Here is the hey day of Spray. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/318511/an/0/page/0#318511 I love the way snug and minx are spatting... NOW that is spray worthy...
  11. Let's get rid of all the married people?
  12. Well, if you hold that attitude, it may come true, but... I find the pickings are only getting with each and every year. Not to mention, plenty (particularly in America) of those married people end up on the market again. And they tend to be more fun. So are you living your life now, so that you're comfortable in a nursing home?
  13. Let's get to a more relevant issue... Married people with kids become...??? I also find people with lots of birthdays are REALLY fun.
  14. Now we're on the same page! I have no doubt married life is superior to the great lonely. 20 years. Singles are often so self-absorbed that they seem.....boring. Now, if I could just talk my wife into letting one of her young, hot, single, self-absorbed, lonely nurse friends join us for some..... Puke o rama FW. You obviously couldn't figure out how to live a thrilling single life. And no worries, some boring single person is probably doing those nurses with no regard for you and your stable bed mate. Married people that are boring, were probably boring before they got married.
  15. Single people make better Pagetops
  16. http://www.drudgereport.com/flash1.htm REPORTER VOWS TO 'KILL SELF' IF CHENEY RUNS FOR PRESIDENT Thu Jul 28 2005 15:32:13 ET Veteran wire reporter Helen Thomas is vowing to 'kill herself' if Dick Cheney announces he is running for president. The newspaper HILL first reported the startling claim on Thursday. MORE "The day Dick Cheney is going to run for president, I'll kill myself," she told the HILL. "All we need is one more liar." Thomas added, "I think he'd like to run, but it would be a sad day for the country if he does." MORE
  17. I always do my best to open the door for women. I have southern roots in my blood; I can't escape it.
  18. It's fun to take your date running... that tells you a lot.
  19. now for something nice...
  20. This thread is better than the cat thread.
  21. My dog didn't make it; he wasn't fast like me. But he was cuter_than_you.
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