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OlympicMtnBoy last won the day on January 14 2024

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About OlympicMtnBoy

  • Birthday 05/16/1980


  • Occupation
    Emergency Management
  • Location
    Lake City

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  1. I guess I better head up Mt. Angeles again in 2026, I think that will be 30 yrs for the first time I roped up on a peak. Ironically we used goldline with a bowline around the waist for a 4th class step which was anachronistic even for 1996.
  2. Thanks for sharing, I was sure wishing I had the fitness and partners and time to get on it (or much of anything) this season!
  3. Awesome, what dedication to get all those logistics dialed and the actual climbing! Thanks for sharing that!
  4. Sounds like a great day out! Cool on that high line too, whodathunk!
  5. Did you get out there? Here is a pic of Three Fingers and but if the Squire Creek Valley/Marthas Place from Higher Squire, looks like the line to the right of the Waterfall Buttress route could Be fun with the low avy danger! Get it while you can!
  6. Haha, did that in spring a couple years ago and going up the snowshoes were a pain in the bushes and coming down a pain sinking in the extra slushy snow. Fun scramble though!
  7. I’d bet Silverton/Hall peak area is in if someone can figure out access around the private property.
  8. 21 years later, is this a site record? How have you been @drl??
  9. I’ll trade you for some different disused nuts and they can each visit other gear closets and make new friends!
  10. What fun! I love the Olympics for this sort of thing (although I move much slower and shorter distances with a two year old now).
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