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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Hey, what's your member #. I'm 3730905 ^10.
  2. You're totally off topic here...
  3. This is not possible! Every good global warming drone knows that record temperatures are only NOW being set... in the period that began January 2001. What is this 1913 nonsense? Please go back and re read your EarthJustice handbook and repeat the litany again, and again, and again. The sky is falling, the Earth is warming. Man is the cause! Man is the cause! (Repeat) By gosh, you took the words right out of my mouth! And when are we going to take back over the Panama Canal?
  4. Before REI: After REI:
  5. I can sum this one up for you: I was so punk and then Henry Rollins kicked me in the head. Also:
  6. Man, I don't even go over there. Those SUV-driving westside yuppie scum wouldn't last a second over on the east side, where they take their pain out on each other, including their gear shopping! You wouldn't stand a chance on the east side! You make me sick! Don't start it with the East-side/West-side biz playa!
  7. Ya, I'm a corporate tool too. My dividend last year was over $200. Stocking up on the seven essentials will cost ya, and you can't get that stuff at the small shops.
  8. Ya, that one and The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers.
  9. The Anna Kournikova of the climbing world.
  10. Especially if you like to see people get naked for a free 60m rope.
  11. Is this the top ten Mountie essentials list? Wait, that is only 7 items. That blender would be great for the basecamp wet bar. Now the kitchen sink...I prefer cast iron coated with enamel.
  12. And don't forget the toothless woman at the Whistling-O!
  13. The funniest skits I have ever seen on SNL are Christopher Walken skits. The Census skit is hilarious. Census-Taker: Mr. Leonard? I'm with the U.S. Census Bureau. We sent you a Census form, but you failed to return it to us. Mr. Leonard: My mail is piled up like crazy. Census-Taker: Yeah. Well, I just need to fill out this Census form with you. Uh.. how many people live in this residence? Mr. Leonard:Oh, boy.. good question. I'm bad with numbers.. Maybe 80. Census-Taker: 80 people live in this apartment? Mr. Leonard: Seems high, doesn't it? Not 80. How about 4? I don't know.. I'm so bad at guestimating.. Census-Taker: Well, just take your time, and count. Mr. Leonard: Okay.. there's me.. my wife.. our plants.. we have some candy bars.. Census-Taker: Well, you know, we don't count candy bars or plants.. Mr. Leonard: Well, then, there's just the two of us. Boy, I really overshot with the 80! etc...
  14. Timmy, thank you for immediately addressing this urgent issue. You da man. I can now get on with my life.
  15. I would use the money to save the children.
  16. I think the clear moral to this story is that we need to ask Hairy Pie how to understand our wives rather than how to post a TR.
  17. Well, this does sound like a Hairy Pie conspiracy. I guess you only get so long to edit them. I guess the only other option is to delete the original and repost.
  18. 5 1/2 hours to the summit from the lake. 2 hours from the summit back to the lake (7 1/2 hours round trip). I'm pretty sure this is a dog-less ascent record, but I'll have to check with -.
  19. BTW, the way around the problem is just to post the TR even if it is fscked up. Then after it is posted, go ahead and click edit and tidy up your speeling errors and re-add the chopped off sections if you can remember them. This way the editing worked and allowed me to save, at least. Or, give up on posting as mentioned before.
  20. Next time I have a problem posting I'll consider this option. This board isn't a good place for TRs anyway, right?
  21. Get loaded and it will come to you. Just be sure you get the tattoo before you sober up.
  22. Who runs this board? Hairy Pi? Timmy? Anyone? Who ever you are, the Trip Report function seems to be having a problem. If you post, and ask to review for editing before posting, then actually edit....it doesn't save what you edit in. Very frustrating! Hairy, fix it! Thanks. WAAAAAAAHHHHHH
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