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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. That one would be good, if it was FUNNY. But its not FUNNY. It is stupid. How about: "CC.com, wowing more customers and having more fun since 2001"
  2. olyclimber


    The King of Spray, AKA Peter Puget, has apparently been checked into a mental instuition. Forecast is a for a dramatic drop in Spray levels for Winter 2005.
  3. Klenke, I don't think those methods would be any help for you. Perhaps just 3.) Not appearing on the film would work best for you.
  4. Damn, that Sensitivity Training is already paying off! But I thought it was "Team CC.com", not "The CC.com Management". By the way, what is the slogan of this website? We need a slogan.
  5. You also missed the Ropeup .... yea...Ropeup... and Lovefest .
  6. Many of which were over zealously deleted by Jon.
  7. You missed about 50,000 witty, inane posts by yours truly.
  8. This is a sad story: Pastor electrocuted while performing baptism.
  9. they wax? or do they just use nair?
  10. Peter, this was posted last week. You're old news! Pretty amazing though...was talking to somebody who said that Dan didn't stick that dyno on of his many times up the route, and fell back down to his launching point. Its on on of the Master's of Stone videos? Check out the other thread, I think it says there.
  11. Anyway, Billygoat and ketch, thanks for the nice dose of island hospitality. I'm looking forward to another visit. You're lucky for having escaped from America. For those of you that don't know, ketch has a destination bouldering area in his wood shed. It is the most innovative little piece climbing gym craftsmanship I've seen. I've decided to bring a little bit of island life back to the city with me. I've taken to waving at every person I drive by. So far, I've only been shot at once, and the waving does incite the worst road rage I've seen in a while. But its all good, and I'm pretty sure this waving business will soon be sweeping the Seattle area. NICE!!!!!
  12. Billygoat, beware if your wife offers you an apple today...especially if she's hiding a hammer behind her back.
  13. olyclimber

    I'm outta here

    there is no spoonerism.
  14. olyclimber

    I'm outta here

    6.) Never, ever, take yourself or others on this board too seriously without a reality check.
  15. olyclimber

    I'm outta here

    5.) In order for this all to be effective, make sure that it is absolutely clear that not a single posting you might make is truthful in any way, shape, or form. this is where you actually failed. They didn't realize that they shouldn't ever take you for face value.
  16. many people here know you mike, but i'm still comeing to grips with how socially retarded you are
  17. Taking Mad Rock to the next level.
  18. you really should.
  19. neat stunt Mike. how will you top it?
  20. BTW, I meant that in a nice sort of way. Don't be intimidated!
  21. That's the type of brilliant response we've come to expect from you. There is more intelligence in fungus growing on my toe than in every one of your 6000+ posts.
  22. Nice start Dru. Now, go back and rewrite your essay, but try to be more descriptive. Try to bring the reader in with information that they might actually care about. And please.... technical, lets get technical. Lets get into technical. I want to know what sets these flipflops apart from say....surfing flipflops.
  23. Perhaps you could do a gear review Dru. What sort of things make them good flipflops? If you could do it all over again, what would you change? Do you think Tommy Caldwell would belay on El Cap with these flip flops, or are more technical flipflops needed?
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