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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. I know yall are just waiting for me to fall, but I am coming up big in the 06 fo sho. wiggers unite. peace out.
  2. She's got style that woman Makes me smile that woman She's got spunk that woman Funk that woman She's got speed my babe Got what I need my babe She's got the ability To make a man outta me But most important of all Let me tell you My lady's got balls
  3. olyclimber

    Lord Vader

    LOL! He got me two times out of two. Of course I was thinking of "common" things.
  4. olyclimber

    Lord Vader

    Knows what you're thinking http://sithsense.com/flash.htm
  5. Camilo, you're old news now. Ubersexualism is where its at.
  6. olyclimber


    Damn, I'm feeling ubersexual tonight! Yeeoww!!
  7. FYI If you look in a mirror and say "Chuck Norris" three times, he will appear and kill your entire family... but at least you get to see Chuck Norris.
  8. I see you guys found finally my website.
  9. This is the Most Superous ever wayne! And let me tell you something, I put my pants on one leg at a time just like you all, but after I put on my pants I start Most Superous threads on cc.com.
  10. olyclimber

    Lard-Ass Poll

    I didn't lose any wieght when I trained for a marathon last year, but I sure had better fitness.
  11. Man dies in wood chipper
  12. olyclimber

    Stay tuned

    He forgot "tree huggers", "PETA terrorist", "earth muffin", "environmentalist", but other than that, a five star post!
  13. it is over the top good when bashed into a flaring pin scar.
  14. its heelessless, you cad! I would recommend getting the latest Celine Dion album. Its a treasure.
  15. Is there an ipod built into the sole? I see the volume control there...
  16. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6625696289830107550&q=crunk
  17. That fucking sucks MisterE. I hope it ends out turning out different for you.
  18. olyclimber

    Lard-Ass Poll

    what is "fisting weight", anyway?
  19. Beautiful!
  20. olyclimber

    Lard-Ass Poll

    On the street, jelly roll had many associated meanings, from the respectable 'lover, or spouse', to the Harlem slang of the 1930s, 'a term for the vagina'."
  21. Is this the NEW John Frieh Forum? Merry Christmas NOLSe!
  22. I have to say that this pic is worth submitting for the photo contest (and viewing at full res. ).
  23. you got it luke? merry xmas yall
  24. Its more fun to compute.
  25. ok, so I made it up. but that doesn't mean it isn't true!
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