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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. three ascents, i believe. but this is the first climb without preplaced gear or special attachments to the climbers body.
  2. i think you have the right attitude about it octavius, people screw up, and in this case it landed you in the hospital. it comes down to how do you choose your partners. i think everyone has their own way of going about it, based on the amount of risk they are willing to take on, and their confidence in their own ability (though obviously your own ability has nothing to do with getting lowered). I know I wouldn't ask someone to go climbing with me till I felt pretty comfortable about their track record, and I also just try to climb with people who are more experienced than I (easy for me to do )...but in this case it sounds like the person was experienced . i suppose you're going to end up being more selective about partners, and depending on how much you really want to get back out there will drive the risk you're willing to take in climbing with someone you don't know. ya, it may mean you end up climbing less, but at least you'll live through it. luckily for me I haven't had to deal with a situation like this before, I wish you the best in getting through it and healing up.
  3. damn, that sucks. so the accident was purely belayer error, or were there other contributing factors?
  4. its spelled "poof"...there goes your credibility....you're still here after all the dogging
  5. and for bonus points, name the peak casting the shadow.
  6. i've got something going on your squish weekend, but was thinking of going down to Smith the weekend after that. but perhaps we could head north to canuckland instead. otherwise, we've got the whole summer. check your PMs.
  7. I'm going to chip in an say that is pretty amazing. My dad works on the container ships, and I've heard some of the conditions you get into out in the open sea....I could not imagine what it would be like to be alone in the middle of the Atlantic in a rowboat.
  8. And what about Mike on City Park? Thats two amazing things in one week?
  9. Ulee is 5 in July.
  10. i think i would be more sympathetic to potter if he came out and said he was wrong. i have no idea what the chances are of that happening.
  11. olyclimber


    ALPINFOX!!!!! ALPINFOX!!!!! ALPINFOX!!!!! do not go through with the deal on buying this house. i've heard of that neighborhood...it is really scary there! http://seattle.craigslist.org/rfs/159184023.html
  12. sickness, bro-brah! did you cut your hamstrings in two to make it more of a challenge?
  13. Dean Potter, the OJ Simpson of climbing
  14. damn, you're right! potter is an american hero, sticking his finger in the Man's eye for all of us. I thank you potter. thanks for making my life better.
  15. i believe the links posted were not to magazines (the press) but to potter's sponsors (those funding his "work").
  16. apparently it was fine to climb....look at potter...he faces no legal repercussion...and I'm sure his actions won't have any result beyond filling up 10 pages of spew here, right? focus on the unimportant things if it makes you feel better.
  17. Heres a news flash for you dru: Don't Climb on Da Arch!
  18. ya...funny! don't you love pissing off the people who can decide whether you can climb in a particular area or not? so he gets off, and all of us get to deal with more restrictively worded regulations as well as a black eye for climbers in general over the press on this. looks like we're all winners!
  19. i would never ask you to Kix. That would be like boiling the ocean.
  20. your lack of faith disturbs me. There is a lot of helpful information here ol' chap, though it can be served up with a nice dose of flavor. perhaps some of the updates the other admins and I are working on will address that somewhat for you. but pimping this other site, how could you?
  21. or....he could post about them here.
  22. olyclimber


    HEY ALPINFOX!!!!! You need to delete! "This user has exceeded their private message quota and may not receive any new private messages."
  23. olyclimber


    excellent. we can spend the rest of the day analysing your picture, mistere. will you do a gear review on those biners hanging on your wall? i've seen those at REI...seems like you could save a lot of wieght on your rack if you went purely with them.
  24. What grade? Unplanned bivies?
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