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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. you have apparently never contemplated the right navel CBS. but we already knew that.
  2. here's a bouquet for you little buddy:
  3. You should enjoy this article Fairweather http://www.newscientist.com/channel/earth/mg19225731.100-imagine-earth-without-people.html
  4. hell yeah
  5. not so much
  6. OK, fine. Hawaiian night, next Tuesday at the College Inn. See you there.
  7. plus.....nevermind. its intuitive.
  8. still drunk, yes http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showthreaded.php?Number=611349
  9. Well, HotCarl, all that is missing is the peanut butter for a happy ending.
  10. i believe you just described how to get laid at Pub Club.
  11. stupid is as stupid does
  12. this banter is so harmful to my workplace
  13. Pubclub, next Tuesday 10/24. at the College Inn.
  14. as Cain knew Abel as David knew Goliath
  15. i don't know...there might be a boob or two there
  16. good to know
  17. And the climbable rock that I'm talking about on Lopez (the stuff Billygoat mentions) is a pretty small area. Just a few cliffs.
  18. Please. But having climbed at Erie and Lopez, I can tell you the rock is very, very similiar. But I'm not a medical doctor, nor do I play on television, so I'll leave it to the geologists to tell me why they are different. They do appear to have the same properties and offer the same quality of climbing.
  19. cool we move the discussion onto a dicussion the definition of sanity? and perhaps why batteries are not a 10 Essential?
  20. I thought the same thing, until I looked at a map. Broadly speaking, rocks east of Orcas, including Lopez, are the same as Mt Erie. Mt Constitution is composed of very different rocks, which could be many tens of millions of years older, and generated thousnads of miles away from the Erie rocks. I have climbed on what Billygoat is talking about and it is indeed the same stuff as Erie. Not talking about Mt. Consitiution, which is a heap of choss in comparison (not saying that Erie and Lopez climbing is that great.....but)
  21. so you're saying that you don't have any ammo in your gun?
  22. perhaps we could move the arguement onto what exactly the ten essentials are.
  23. think of how dangerous a place the world would be if we didn't have the nuclear bomb
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