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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. DING DING DING!! http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/s...true#Post500042 Ketch, I think you just sent me the pics directly to my email.
  2. Pube Club at Shultzies tommorow. Celebrity Guest appearance: Timm@y. Yo.
  3. olyclimber


    You go girlfriend!
  4. olyclimber


    Are khakis appropriate to wear after Columbus Day or should I put them away for the year?
  5. We don't have a generator for sure...anyone else out there have one they can bring? Just need it Saturday night.
  6. *bump* can anyone help out?
  7. I asked this question a while back...Ketch has built one, and posted a bunch of pictures. I'll see if I can find the link.
  8. olyclimber

    i'm so ronery

    I'm so Ronery / So ronery / So ronery and sadry arone / There's no one / Just me onry / Sitting on my rittle throne / I work very hard to be number one guy / but, stiwr there's no one to right up my rife / Seems rike no one takes me serirousry / And so, I'm ronery / A rittle ronery / Poor rittle me / There's no one I can rerate to / Feewr rike a biwd in a cage / It's kinda siwry / but, not reawry / because, it's fiwring my body with rage / I'm the smartest, most crever, most physicawry fit / but, none of the women seem to give a shit / Maybe someday, they'wr awr notice me / And untiwr then, I'wr be ronery / Yeah, a rittle ronery / Poor rittle me.
  9. We'll be taking donations for Kurt's Recovery Fund instead of a keg kitty. He may even pay us a visit on Saturday if he can swing it. Slide show is on Saturday night a little after dusk. +Tony Bentley will show videos of he, Sky, and Ross skiing and climbing. +Erik Wolfe will show pictures of his climb of Plan 9 with Mike Layton +Blake will show pictues of his time climbing in New Zealand +Wayne will show pictures of his latest solo first ascent in the North Cacades +Colin will show pictures of his climb in Alaska Come on up. We provide free camping at the groupsite. Lots of climbs just off the road, and you'll more than likely meet a few people to climb with if your regular partner can't make it. Hilarious results are guaranteed.
  10. "it's a window to the world"
  11. "that's great!"
  12. bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. awesome pics. love the last one of the fin.
  14. "The event, in its fourth year, showcased a boxing bout between an Australian kangaroo and a man dressed in a clown suit. During the fight, the marsupial appears to reel backwards after receiving a right hook from its human opponent."
  15. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/505305/an/0/page/45#505305
  16. Just north of lower Lena. http://www.komotv.com/stories/45814.htm
  17. Please! I can't ready HotCarl and DeCrisco's inanity through all this drivel
  18. olyclimber

    I'm right

    no pics, please.
  19. good times
  20. olyclimber

    I'm right

  21. olyclimber

    I'm right

    l left
  22. That works...Tony Bentley is bringing a sound system, so for those of you wanting to show any cool...eerrrr, climbing/skiing related;) ....video you have taken this past year, bring it up.
  23. Perfect Blake. The projector takes DVI or VGA, and the generator and screen will be provided too.
  24. softcore is superawesome. please do kat. the party to end all parties.
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