Those insta-condos and bad urban/surban planning are the way of the future in this country, and they suck ass. They are a big reason why I moved out of the N. side. Them and the damn Lowes/WalMart/HomeDepot/megaplexes put up everywhere.
It makes me want to put an arrow in the heart of every person who insists that high-density building is going to magically help traffic, global warming, community spirit, whatever. It just fucks everything up, brings in a bunch of people who couldn't afford to buy a house, and packs more cars onto the same small roads. Sucks.
there is another perspective though...that is if you live out of the city, then high density means those people don't live where you better there than clogging up your favorite rural retreat? i know it isn't much help when you live in ballard and don't want it to change. you can always wait for that real rain that will wash all the scum off the earth