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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. the very visible hand of the market already gave a world class enema to BS shareholders
  2. i am your friend. i traveled many light years to observe your kind and your constructs.
  3. spoken from the armchair, of course
  4. you might start with analysing exactly WHY the government is providing a safety net here. there are many reason, but the focus would be on building a market that is resilient enough to correct such problems on its own. the problem isn't necessarily Bears Stearn (in my IMH uninformed O), but the state of the market in general. Of course Bears Stearn come down because of a cancer in that industry that many had, but there are so many other pressures on the market as well (the weak dollar, the debt, the war, oil prices, etc)
  5. + territory! maybe i should cancel my order of guns, ammo, and non-perishable food???
  6. ruh-ro! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23673100/ since this headline dow is down 50!
  7. seedy details including smoking dope at bridge games! http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601170&refer=home&sid=asNEEfktF32o + you have to like a firm with the name "Punk"
  8. Here come the lawyers http://www.reuters.com/article/ousiv/idUSN1756243320080317
  9. http://www.rgemonitor.com/blog/roubini/249737
  10. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aY2RvFA.yO_Q&refer=worldwide
  11. It's good to be Morgan We can hope. Hope is what I reserve for my daily bank (WAMU) not to implode in the coming week some not so good news coming out for them too. look for them to be gobbled within 2 months (thats my bet)
  12. THE END IS NEAR~~~1111111111!!
  13. Wow Jay...you really know how to make a guy get HUNGERY!!!
  14. lor94KJL2mQ
  15. it was aluminum siding, but i pulled it off and there is was perfectly good big cedar shakes on it (vintage 1946). The aluminum windows where put in at the time the aluminum siding was added. As I said above, they just trimmed the aluminum windows in the old double hung windows. i want to put the new windows in so that they are flush with siding and have a nice big interior sill.
  16. I don't think I'm going to do all wood windows because of the care and feeding required. The Marvin's I read quite a few good remarks about on the ole Interweb today. I think I'm starting to talk myself into the Milgaurd fiberglass windows based on the price and quality, but I'll have to find someone who carries the Marvin's and get a rough quote to compare before I commit. (I'm thinking I just trim it up right things will look pretty good.) Thanks off and everyone who chipped in 2cents.
  17. it helps if you own a busy climbing board i'm fat, the cams are pretty light. i'll post the wieghts (the cams, not me) in the write up. and i'm looking forward to getting outside climbing for the first time since breaking my leg to try these bad boys out!
  18. I already tried to do that tvash, but there was just more siding underneath
  19. So it is just the woodclad part that has the mildew issue? All that consists of is a microscopically thin lamination of wood on the fiberglass frame. If that is the case I'm now leaning towards just getting the white fiberglass finish and trimming it up with clear wood. i saw a couple examples that look pretty good. the milgaurd fiberglass windows seem pretty nice. i'm still looking at wood windows clad with alum. on the outside though. Homedepot says they'll beat any price by 10% and you get %10 off if you use their credit card (along with no interest/no payments for a year). So I may just go that route and pay them off before the year is out. Over $2500 spent they give you close to the wholesale rate, supposedly.
  20. I'm going to have to re-trim the exterior anyway, so the inserts aren't going to work for me. i'm stuck doing it the hard way, but at least i'll get slightly bigger windows.
  21. I'm replacing the windows and probably replacing both the exterior and interior trim. The old windows are aluminum, hung inside the remenants of the old double hung windows they replaced. Interesting about the milgard windows...I was strongly considering them (not the woodclad version, just the fiberglass version)....but they are subject to mold/mildew??? I was hoping to get more feedback about them...anyone else have an opinion about milgaurd fiberglass windows?
  22. installing myself. i'm obviously going to be paying more than for vinyl, so I'm not looking for the cheapest possible...I guess I should rephrase it to be "best value" for a wood window. I'm not actually that worried about the exterior look, but I really want the wood interior, so I think i'm definitely going to go with clad. I'm just looking for a good retailer to work with for getting the windows (one that might care a few good brands and isn't going to over charge me for what I'm getting). thanks for the info Matt!
  23. a couple reasons pope...one is resale value. i might go for wood, with a clad exterior though.
  24. with a Mac. LOL. No I'm getting ready to replace the aluminum windows in my house with wood ones. Anyone know the best place to order the windows from? Home Depot carries Anderson Windows, which seem pretty nice. Is there a cheaper place to get them? What about Millgaurd vs. Anderson windows? I'm going to be replacing about 16 or 17 windows, but I'm just starting with one to get the process down with a "little help from my friends". So I'm not going to be ordering all the windows at once. Anyway construction people out there who can advise on where to get the best deal on wood windows in the Seattle area. Also, which are the best brand of window (Millgaurd, Anderson, etc?).
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