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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. yeah! this is fun!
  2. fuck off douche. we're discussing important issues via insult.
  3. well, you certainly have managed to elevate this "discussion", another area in which you haven't changed. you flatter yourself if you think your tired old song and dance "elevates" anything. i would like to take the time to respond to this with another insult for the sake of irony.
  4. well, as long was were are not discussing the real issues, then the objective is won.
  5. i'm much better than you'll ever know, dickweed. sorry, you toe tapping bathroom user, i REALLY don't want to know. now i'm starting to understand why you always bark at the guys in this forum to "licksack"! but don't worry, as a fellow moderate I don't have a problem with what you choose to do behind closed doors. lololol.
  6. clown!
  7. actually, you're worse than that. you're a MODERATE WANNA BE GOOSE STEPPING NAZI.
  8. whatever you say you libtard moonbat. you're a goose stepping nazi!
  9. peter, how does that new guy in right field look?
  10. mission accomplished. i have everyone thinking you are claiming to be a moderate instead of what you really are KKKK!
  11. 10 days...
  12. I note that you didn't deny it and I recall you as being pretty far to the right. An independent moderate looks far to the right to someone as far out in left field as yourself. Yes, I responded to j_b (an extreme leftie) accusations against Tomtom (doubtful he's a right-wing extremist) You lose. lose? yes. i lose for engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. its obvious that you're referring to yourself above. but deny it if you want, i'm going to continue to "lose" and argue that with you enjoy, you are winnar!
  13. I note that you didn't deny it and I recall you as being pretty far to the right. An independent moderate looks far to the right to someone as far out in left field as yourself.
  14. dodge and weave champ. you implied it.
  15. that's what makes the linear scale so inadequate. in reality, moderates don't make hard lefts and hard rights, they make less severe turns here and there, which are only identified as "hard" turns by those on the extreme opposite, kool-aid drinking club its a per issue world. but if simplifying things down helps you understand it then "what ever floats your boat".
  16. you assume wrong. you're the one defining yourself as a "moderate".
  17. exactly the point there minx you go hard left, then you take a hard right, and you end up in the center! must be a moderate!
  18. I agree....hard left is good hard right is bad. well thats a ringing endorsement!
  19. actually, it's pretty obvious what constitutes a moderate versus a hard leftie or rightie, but hey whatever floats your boat no. i'm talking about where on the spectrum you really fit when you describe yourself as a "moderate". are you the center of the universe?
  20. then again, that is your own label. it all depends on how you've defined the scale you're using.
  21. well j_b...it might be that there are some idealists who think that the concept of a freemarket is bullet proof...these people aren't out to "make a buck"...they are true believers (just like some idealists believe that the concept of communism can work). i don't think either people are "evil" or out to crush the will of the people or make a buck at the peoples expense. they just believe in that particular system. then you have the actual implementers of either system. there are a lot of good people, but in the end both system have boiled up some pretty bad apples. it seems that ugliness has ensued in either case...though one could argue that one system is less ugly than the other.
  22. olyclimber

    Spitzers girl

  23. olyclimber

    Spitzers girl

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