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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. here is the alpha [video:youtube]_1nzEFMjkI4
  2. lol that sounds just a little suspect. 18 year old Elijah Craig. is that Larry Craigs nephew?
  3. renton
  4. one in AZ too.
  5. or colorado? popular name.
  6. is it in california?
  7. The above is an example of a nuanced and well thought out position on bolts. this is way different than the polemic discussions that usually seem to happen here that basically end up being "bolts are bad" accompanied by a picture of a clown VS. people just picking at the scab or trying unsuccessfully to inject some sort of agreeable compromise to the situation. would also agree that there are bigger fish to fry. but then, for some, that is the only fish they seem interested in.
  8. its like a box of chocolates
  9. http://www.thenation.com/doc/20090817/scahill
  10. passion is inversely related to the spacing of the bolts
  11. If you can hike the Bailey Traverse you should be able to get through a couple of washouts! See the pics here: http://www.nps.gov/olym/planyourvisit/north-for-quinault.htm From the national park website as of last month:
  12. [qoute] If you have half a brain, you consider the consequences before "hitting it". If you're a caveman, you see the closely-spaced bolts, you consider their convenience at the expense of the finite rock environment and you whip out your quick-draws and "go for it". If you're contemplative, you walk away or top-rope the route in protest, or you look for the clean route nearby rather than taking the cheap way out. "finite rock"? what about mars? you're not really that much of a thinking man are you? you've already done all the thinking you're going to do...only thing left to do for you is convert everyone to your mindset. do you ever wonder how effective you are as an advocate for your "position"? and how do you toprope a woman with fake breasts?
  13. the dude in the back seat is definitely trippen hard
  14. god that song is so catchy. F-R-E-E that spells free!
  15. heh. a new obsession there wayne! that video made it feel like i was very tiny and riding on your ear on the climb.
  16. interesting what people are buying as well with the dealio. i notice there was no requirement to "buy american". The Top Ten Cash for Clunkers New Cars: 1. Ford Focus 2. Honda Civic 3. Toyota Corolla 4. Toyota Prius 5. Ford Escape 6. Toyota Camry 7. Dodge Caliber 8. Hyundai Elantra 9. Honda Fit 10. Chevy Cobalt what this doesn't mention is that while the percentage was high for american made cars being picked, the replaced car top 10 list is 100% American cars.
  17. [video:youtube]oOgv-UuTgac one day soon..tell the moon kev!
  18. no worries steven. if you have seen the movie, we still save the muthafucken day.
  19. so, what, yer gonna figure out the answer to a rydberg formula whilst climbing W/O having to write nothing down?!? sport vs trad is like fake tits vs regular tits - does it really matter that much so long as yer balls deep in the whore? Dear Partner, Just to let you know I have screwed a dame that weighs 300 lbs. Your pal, Jim some people are really into that type of thing
  20. its not a bad anology. the question is: would you hit it? if you're at the club and a girl walks up and checks out your size, would you first determine if her breasts were real or not? or would you immediately get on the internet and speculate about the sociological impacts of fake breast implants? or would you just do what is right for the scientific method and be more thorough?
  21. personally i hate it when hyper observant people come to the crag. they're always pointing out how you screwed up and notice when you're french freeing on 5.9. they some how own the place, and if you bugger up their feng shui then they get all menstrual on you.
  22. i use pink chalk
  23. i submit this as mascot of this thread
  24. love the clapping in that video. or where (is that ozzy?) the lead singer grabs the guitar player by the hair and wrenches him around and you can hear his neck pop
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