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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. the scenarios are pretty slim. most stuff people get injured with are the result of ill-conceived notions which Sean Hughes would NEVER do. climbing bad weather. putting yourself in a position to be hurt by others. you're left is unforeseeable natural disaster.
  2. well i'm proud of myself. getting married and impregnating Carly was tough work. But times are tough and a guy needs the work. I can easily change my screen name to Sean Hughes.
  3. you've got to figure out a way to work nitro into the story line
  4. nuclear missile was headed for Washington DC from North Korea, but gets off target and hits Mt. Hood
  5. he gets run over by a snowcat
  6. lol a chairlift falls on him!
  7. Mt Hood erupts.
  8. how about an earthquake sets off an avalanche?
  9. hahahahha...the dambass dropping things from above is straight out of Vertical Limit.
  10. Get a stunt guy to do that, and I'll be ready to act out the romance parts of the novel.
  11. wow...really cool map Steph. where does the Blue Glacier fit in?
  12. it is the machines. they're getting smarter. it won't be long.
  13. let me know. i'm in. i have a decoder ring from a crackerjack box.
  14. hazy now but i can feel the crystal clear coming on
  15. seen shart like that before when it was computer virus back in my computer fixen/PCFIXX days.
  16. almost
  17. olyclimber

    Dropping a Tree

    he should hire this guy...he is really good [video:youtube]b18D_GV_JEs nice black keys soundtrack tho
  19. olyclimber

    Dropping a Tree

    renting is for wusses. buy the saw. make the purchase. spend it all.
  20. olyclimber

    Dropping a Tree

    And wedges are aid. In the name of good ethics, free this tree, please.
  21. olyclimber

    Dropping a Tree

    After you cut down the tree you should immediately rename your estate to something else.
  22. olyclimber

    Dropping a Tree

    my recommendation is to buy about $5000 dollars worth of new equipment for this project so you'll be ready in case you need to cut down another tree in a couple of years. also wear a helmet and gaitors and work out a system of commands with your belayer. and stay away from cotton...it doesn't dry out well if you get it wet and is the leading cause of death with outdoor aficionados.
  23. nice pictures, looks like a nice week out. i take it you were using a grease powered stove? Or just greasing the skids?
  24. well duh. if people were expecting the messiah and only got an intelligent, articulate person, of course they're going to be disappointed. the bar was set pretty high by the last president! it will be hard to fuck up the country more. But we must not lose faith that he can! LOL. I'm not disappointed with him yet....I'll give him a year and then take stock in how he has done. if he hasn't walked on water by then and turned all the water into wine, then i'll gladly move to impeach him and throw my vote for The O'Reilly/Palin ticket.
  25. How about a Enchantments Slide Show? Thats basically what it is becoming anyway. I've got a couple people who have recently done new stuff in that area that could show slides.
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