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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. true, true....$7 seats + dogs, beer, and peanuts is probably at least $200 at the Safe. i guess you are living large after all!
  2. Anyway Peter, I didn't know you were one of the Proletariat! I can't believe I've been associating with you all this time!!!
  3. For you little people who have never had the Diamond Club seats...they come to you and take your order for drinks and food...then bring it out to you...all included in the price of the ticket. Also the Mariners cheerleaders give you massages and the leather recliners are very comfy. I'll be having Courvoisier, thanks.
  4. olyclimber


    the dude in the center box is scary
  5. olyclimber


  6. olyclimber


  7. Ha Peter! I just got the call giving me free Diamond Club seats for one of the last games of the year! I'll be heckling Griffey for sure.
  8. olyclimber


    Shooting rocket propelled grenades into schoolbuses is a typical libtard commie tactic! [video:youtube]1_I4WgBfETc
  9. I know...I spent a good deal of time on the phone this morning with the guy from the Forest Service. He says that the campground host is responsible for the rules and he (the FS) are responsible for "enforcement". I think we can protest all we want, but just like any other legal situation...breaking the laws just because you don't agree with them isn't going to work too well. Anyway, the Forest Service guy says he does want groups like ours to be able to use the resource and said he will work with me and the campground host to make things work out. Anyway, enough of this talk! Ropeup is weekend after this upcoming one! Looking forward to it!
  10. Brosefs, sistas...we are going ahead with the Bridge Creek campground for ropeup. I'm talking with the Forest Service and the campground host to work things out. I'll be posting details a little later about what we need to do in order to make this happen! There will be specific rules around parking. I have a digital projector, but I need a screen! Anyone have one we can use? Also, firewood for the fire. I'm looking for more people to show slides too.
  11. olyclimber


    I haven't seen that movie yet, but i look forward to it. It also has Gary Busey in it!
  12. pretty cool wayne! i fixed it for you.
  13. If you need me to spell it out, you basically said that the ANAM is a waste of paper and no one learns from what the folks at the AAJ put out there. I'm sure they appreciate your input. Now relax and go back to spray where you belong.
  14. You'll eventually figure it out.
  15. LOL. And neither will you, since you stopped reading them. Or maybe you just know it all?
  16. olyclimber


  17. olyclimber


    Not a raiders fan but they got ripped on that last play. Also Patrick swayze is dead
  18. [video:youtube]N58FmEhlf7s
  19. Thats because they were UNION MADE.
  20. I. Senator Barack Obama is a 32nd Degree Prince Hall Mason!! This revelation is not surprising, for it answers the question as to how Obama could ascend to the high political office when he apparently has no occult background and no discernible Masonic roots. Now, you know the truth! He is a Mason! Let us consider the evidence. NEWS BRIEF: "Obama Criticizes Opponents' Iraq Votes", Cephas Library, December 28, 2007 "Today, Prince Hall is a masonic fraternal order whose buildings are clearly marked, members readily identify themselves with rings, bumper stickers, and lapel pins. One of their most famous members, and also a 32nd degree Prince Hall Mason, became a US presidential candidate for 2008. His name is Barack Hussein Obama." "Barack Obama, speaking at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center in Des Moines on Thursday, criticized other Democrats’ votes to authorize the war in Iraq. Prince Hall is a first black masonic lodge in the US, named by its founder and master who was the most famous black individual in the Boston area during the American Revolution and through the turn of the nineteenth century." Prince Hall Masonry is identical to the the normal white Lodges in their teachings, in their symbolism, and now, in getting one of their own to the point where he could attain the highest political office in the land. For this reason, we show the book, "Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star", above, so you can learn the little-known facts of Freemasonry. But, you say, this source is the only one in which it is reported that Obama is a Prince Hall Mason. You cannot go on only one source. You are right; we have another source, a website dedicated to the election of Senator Obama as President. As you can see, below, this website has the official Obama letterhead. ( pictures at webiste - http://cuttingedge. org/newsletters/ ) As you can see from this website, above, the two symbols depicting the Prince Hall Masonry are two very common Masonic symbols: 1) Colored Goatshead of Mendes Pentagram -- used strongly by the Eastern Star Masonic organization for women, but also used extensively by regular Masons. This particular pentagram is the most evil symbol in Black Magick Witchcraft! This symbol is also "carved into the ground" in the street layout of Washington, D.C. The Pentagram is also used as a talisman/amulet, for protection! Listen to the explanation given by the "Continental Association of Satan's Hope" as they describe their pentagram: "You will find the Satanic Pentagram invaluable and indispensable as you attempt to draw from the infernal power of your Lord Satan! This extremely powerful amulet is the sign of the ... summation of all the occult forces! In other words, there is no amulet or talisman more powerful, or even close, to as powerful as the Satanic Pentagram". (Dr. Cathy Burns, "Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star", p. 325) Now you can understand how gravely important it is that Prince Hall Masonry uses the Satanic inverted Pentagram as one of its major symbols! Now you know he is a Mason, you can begin to see how Obama could become such an important person in the Illuminati. 2) Standard Masonic Square and Compass with the 'G' in the middle This Obama website invites you to send a message to Barack Obama by sending it to the Prince Hall Masons. This reality tells us one of the major reasons Obama has risen so quickly so far in his political career. In fact, this information fills in the only missing piece to the puzzle. Because he is a high-ranking Mason, Obama was selected by the Illuminati to become the first black presidential candidate and, some say, the favorite to win in November. New Age author, Bill Cooper, revealed in his book that no one is promoted to a high level within American Intelligence unless he has significant Masonic roots! ("Behold A Pale Horse", Bill Cooper) The same seems to be true of high level politics. As the last days of this plan approaches, the Masonic connection becomes more important. The Illinois Senator has the Trilateral Commission founder as his Foreign Policy adviser and a Skull & Bonesman as his financial adviser because he is, first and foremost, a Mason. If Senator Obama is planned to be the next President of the United States, he will join a list of Masons since World War II to hold that office, and the fifth in a row! 1) Gerald Ford 2) Ronald Reagan -- Made an honorary Mason at the end of his second term 3) George H.W. Bush -- Member, Skull & Bones, a secret society steeped in Masonry 4) Bill Clinton -- Member of Demolay 5) George W. Bush -- Member, Skull & Bones Now you know the full truth! II. Consistent with Masonic Ecumenical belief, Senator Obama reveres and worships Hindu gods! NEWS BRIEF: "Is Obama devotee of monkey-god idol?", World Net Daily, June 27, 2008 "A group of Hindus in India have presented Sen. Barack Obama's campaign with a two-foot Hindu monkey-god idol after hearing the candidate carries a smaller version of the Lord Hanuman good-luck charm with him as he vies for the presidency." Notice that Senator Obama carried with him a small replica of the Hindu monkey-god idol as he campaigned for the Presidency! This means that Obama is looking to this small Hindu god as a talisman, which is an object charged with protecting the wearer! "Earlier this week, according to reports in India, Obama representative Carolyn Sauvage-Mar accepted the gold-plated statue, promising to pass it on to the candidate after is it sanctified through ritual Hindu prayers." " ' The idol is being presented to Obama as he is reported to be a Lord Hanuman devotee and carries with him a locket of the monkey god along with other good luck charms', reported the Times of India." As the above quote indicates from Obama representative Carolyn Sauvage-Mar, the Illinois Senator was pleased and honored by receiving this Hindu idol as a gift. " 'Obama has deep faith in Lord Hanuman, and that is why we are presenting an idol of Hanuman to him', said Bhama. Accepting the souvenir, Sauvage-Mar, chairwoman of Democrats Abroad-India, said, 'Obama has extended his thanks for the support'." Barack Obama will receive this idol just in time to give him "good luck" in the Democrat National Convention in Denver! "The idol will be kept at the temple for 11 days and then sent to the U.S. It will reach Obama by Aug. 24 – a day before the Democratic National Convention opens in Denver." We should not be surprised that Obama reveres a Hindu god, even though he has professed that he is a Christian and prays to Jesus every day. How can we reconcile this apparent contradiction? We can understand this "paradox" when we read Masonic literature and discover that Masons have always revered the gods of other religions. Let us quickly examine the pertinent passage in a Masonic Bible, which I have on my shelf. "No Mason needs to be told what a place of honor the Bible has in Masonry. One of the great Lights in the Order, it lies open upon the altar at the center of the Lodge ... Thus, by the very honor which Masonry pays to the Bible, it teaches us to revere every book of faith in which men find help for today and hope for the morrow, joining hands with the man of Islam as he take oath upon the Koran and with the Hindu, as he makes covenant with God upon the book he loves best ... religions are one, but Religion is one --- Therefore, it invites to its altar men of all faiths, knowing that, if they use different names for the 'Nameless One of a hundred names', that they are yet praying to the one God and Father of all." ("The Words Of A Great Masonic Divine, R.W. and Rev. Joseph Fort Newton, 'The Bible In Masonry', p. 3-4, The Masonic Bible, A.J. Holman Company, 1968) Therefore, you can understand how Obama could depend upon a talisman/amulet of a Hindu god for protection, at the same time he says he prays to Jesus daily! Now you can understand how Obama can say that Christians and Muslims pray to the same god, just as our current Skull & Bones President has repeated on a number of occasions! Senator Barack Obama is 32nd Degree Mason, and that tells us all we need to know!
  21. not only that, but i think they are free masons! i heard the union call up for mason on the radio yesterday!!!!
  22. olyclimber


    every so often i have to pinch myself. and yes, its what you're thinking. OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!
  23. olyclimber


  24. well they are pretty neat looking devices. Notice the methheads grabbing peoples gear out of cars all the time. it doesn't matter what the actual value....remember we are talking methheads here...
  25. olyclimber


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