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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. https://www.climbing.com/people/remembering-johnny-goicoechea/ I don’t think I ever met this guy, maybe some of you did…
  2. Glad to hear about the boners.
  3. Aside from just the history and information on this site. I’ve worked to keep this site on because it is not driven by algorithms you mention. This is a community for people to connect over a common interest, and refuge from the mind-control apparatus that social media has become. No AI, or at least we try to clean it…you never know these days. This place is an alternative to all that in my eyes. Hopefully we can keep it that way. We need some whippersnappers who understand all this and can take the reins someday. as for spray I’ve had a lot of fun here. There have been some really funny people come through here. It hadn’t been all good, but what you’d expect for a free for all. I miss some (most)of the people, others not so much. In the battle for attention this site will lose against the current psych-ops enterprises. But who knows what the future holds or which way the wind will blow next. get off my lawn.
  4. Maybe just go do stuff without training. Then the injuries are easier to talk about at cocktail parties.
  5. You’ve been getting after it, as I see from Strava!
  6. Yeah I think it might even been around when I had the last ropeup. I seem to remember that he was talking about it being the last time he could give us beer. that is a beautiful area out there I drove through and camped in the Wallowas a few years ago. Check out this video:
  7. Fuck cancer. I still have one of those kegs he got me for ropeup. It was going to be a PITA to return so he just told me to keep it. Unfortunately there is no beer in it.
  8. Rage on keyboard warrior. 😅
  9. I tried to get to it too @eeelip but those links don't resolve for me in any browser. I wonder its because you're logged in? I also just tried searching for it on the alltrails website and it doesn't even come up.
  10. Still have these! Will they be yours?
  11. Never head of these guys till a week ago. Kind of sounds like SDRE, if that is your bag.
  12. Same brother. I mean I care, but I don't see any fruit in conversations like this here or anywhere on the Internet. I would prefer to talk about positive things that we have in common. Like being in the mountains, adventure cycling, or floating the Yukon, or that kind of thing.
  13. This a geology professor that I follow on Youtube.
  14. Maybe we all just to take a bunch of ketamine and it will all make sense.
  15. Earlier this year it was about the park people screwing the RAMROD folks out of their ride, which has been done for many years. The folks in the cycling community are pretty connected and have a pretty loud voice. http://www.redmondcyclingclub.org/RAMROD/RAMROD.html
  16. What the hell are you on about?
  17. I know I was just thinking about this post! 😂. Was even thinking of dredging it up myself. Still a fan of a few things: SpaceX and the scientists and engineers there. Also how Tesla helped make EVs mainstream. The solar power stuff is awesome too, but over priced and not especially innovative. Starlink has been awesome for some select use cases, but I really don’t like the pollution of the night sky. The man himself though, he is unfortunately a huge disappointment as a human being, even if you set aside his political affiliations. Turned out to be a real turd. I accept the shame of being naive about who he really is.
  18. No sledding in the park!!!??!! This is fascism!
  19. Maybe this was already shared here, here it is again if so. I love this YouTube channel.
  20. olyclimber


    This is a great deal! If I didn't have all these already I would be on it.
  21. Wow this is awesome @Christopher Fisher thank you!
  22. IMG_0997.mov Always fun to see what he’ll get up. There were a few places where I wondered if he would make it (this was an easy one), but he just sent it. Few times I missed it, no idea how he got up.
  23. We only have one sponsor for this site, and they are keeping the lights on! They are having an event, its been added to the site calendar, but here are the details if you missed that. Give them your support, they support us!
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