Damn! hope they scrap that off soon. and here i was hoping for the road up the canyon to get opened sooner, but it won't be till later next year (maybe later because of this?)
I know its April Fools and all, but Jon and I decided this would be the right day to end Spray. There has just been too many broken hearts and name calling, so we've turned off those forums.
Thanks for understanding.
"out of control knucklehead"...those are not the words that come to mind when i watch that (I think maybe Polishbob posted a higher rez version of this video a couple months ago?).
Definitely beyond any limits I have had or will ever. People do amazing things and take incredible risks, I don't think that makes them knuckleheads.
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna let a chance to tell you that I don't like sport climbing slip by.
never gonna give! never gonna give!
Only two weeks to go before we will draw on this lottery! Get your TRs in, or get out there an make one! But, as always, be safe and know the avie conditions!