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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. very good. hopefully you win.
  2. ivan, i promise a swift kick to the privates. now what is your entry?
  3. picklesprayfest
  4. dersnafflehaus
  5. Joshua Tree accident. A couple of TRs by David: here. I did not know David, but via Facebook I see a number of my friends did.
  6. yep, comparisons on the internet are easy, aren't they? Ueli is an amazing athlete. Watching him go or another watching Honnold in this vid are so far beyond my tolerances for risk they make me almost sick: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2011/05/yosemite-climbing/free-solo-video
  7. "Dani, imma let you finish, but I thought Ueli's speed climb of the Eiger was da best." still the fastest up the mountain, even if the difficulty due to season or fixed ropes was different, fwiw. winter conditions can make things easier to climb or harder (good ice for tools or pulling down on crumbling shite rock?). yes, not comparable, but then you wonder if any two climbs of the same route done in different years are (fixed ropes aside).
  8. Wow. http://www.mammut.ch/basecamp/en/basecamp-news/dani_arnold_eiger_record?iframe=1 pretty insane, i thought that one would last a while!
  9. great pics! Look like a really nice place up there.
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thecutline/20110419/ts_yblog_thecutline/the-demotion-of-dilbert-continues-no-comic-relief-for-creator haters gonna hate, trollers gonna troll
  11. its time!
  12. Bob, the best place to post this would be the partners section. I'll move your thread there.
  13. RuMr, you're just mad because you're not a REAL MOUNTAINEER. You're just a anorexic freak who stands around a lot. And I think he called your kid that too.
  14. Almost halfway through the month! Get your suggestions in and your votes up!
  15. if you don't want to see the spray forums you can toggle the view so they don't show on the right hand side of the screen. For me it is a little brown "caret". Click it, and that forum section doesn't show.
  16. look at the top TR section to the left. two of the top three TR contributors are frequent sprayers. 4 or 5 of the top ten spend a ton of time in the spray forums. but the real reason...its an outlet. if we don't have an outlet, the level of spray will rise in the rest of the board. i know there are varied opinions on this topic, and you likely have a different opinion on the matter...but that is the reasoning behind it. and spray is where the members of the board can go to talk about topics other than what the board is for. yeah, it seems like it is usually politics, but thats what people seem to like to talk about.
  17. Agree, there are so many good ones its really hard to pick one. For now just list them in this thread! We'll figure it out all later...maybe we can make a list of top 50 threads and feature a page on them so they are easier to find and go back to....
  18. I would encourage everyone on the board to provide input on this matter. We hate to change things after already launching, but the goal is to reward you people posting great TRs (and a great TR can really work on so many different angles...it really doesn't have to be some super committing climb in an exotic location...it can be amusing, feature great photographs, great writing, there are so many ways for a TR to be great). Lets find a way that best benefits us all! We were also hoping this contest would illuminate those lost TR gems, and I can tell you that to a certain extent it has succeeded in that regard. Anyway, please comment if you have better ideas! We are looking for positive ways to keep the TRs coming in and the quality up (as well as highlighting past examples of TRs that you love).
  19. No, only dumbasses are dumbasses. Plenty of people with alternate viewpoints to mine that are extremely intelligent. People who think things are plain and simple are quite usually dumbasses though.
  20. Sorry, but Janet is a dumb ass. As is anyone that has respect for Palin.
  21. hopefully i can fix http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/751999/Re_TR_First_Ascents_in_the_Sti
  22. need to fix http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/487591/TR_Kichatna_Spire_The_Black_Cr#Post487591
  23. While looking back through the old TRs, if you note any TRs that are not indexed or that have the images with broken links (so they don't show up) please note them in this thread. We'll work to get them fixed/indexed/whatever....
  24. I'm not sure which I'm voting for but I'm going to put my ideas here: RIP Joe. We were very lucky to have had this guy posting on CC.com, and this is one of my all time favorite TRs for sure: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=793792 and this one goes with it: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/659457/TR_Utah_Desert_Tower_Tour_3_20#Post659457 Colin getting after it down in Patagucci: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/636235/TR_Cerro_Torre_1_5_2007#Post636235 Rat and teh Big Baller finish the job on Mox: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/836613/TR_Lemolo_Peak_erstwhile_Harde#Post836613 I have not seen a more gripping epic than Amar's Rainier TR: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=796245 Ross turning your iceclimb into a ski area: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/557446/TR_Dragontail_TC_ski_descent_4#Post557446 looking for that Unkle Tricky TR where he climbs with someone he met in the partners section....was it up at Squamish?
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