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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. [video:youtube]yi3erdgVVTw
  3. thanks for changing the link from giz. those guys are sleezballz who don't deserve the clicks.
  4. my favorite qoute on the geek site:
  5. I trust you'll begin work immediately on this project.
  6. magnets! how do they work?
  7. olyclimber

    oh my!

  8. [video:youtube]jBGR2I6pFYk
  9. well thats going a bit far. conservative monetary policy isn't irrational...its Darwinian. Perhaps it can be a bit cruel, but you can't be maximally efficient without a little cruelty!
  10. Go for it, lets see some pics.
  11. Ahh...nothing like a bit of good ole CC.com vitriol to get the blood going! Good times. Maybe we can hire Tim Eymen to get this Disco Pass repealed?
  12. its just funny to see a party think that the reason it lost to the other side of the political spectrum (and sure, in reality , in some regard, the politicians from both parties are becoming indistinguishable in practice) is that they were not "far right" enough or extreme enough. so instead of heading to the center to pick up more votes to win the game, they spend all their effort in trying to move the goalposts to the right. it's not doing the same thing and expecting a different result, it's worse than that.
  13. Is there any sort of a sign up there warning people that there might be climbers below them? Not that that is going to stop everyone, but at least it will make them think about it.
  14. Keep living the past, your freak show couldn't neat a foreign born Muslim.
  15. holy crap...da chisel. this is why i love this contest. gotta do that.
  16. btw, i'm wright, ur wrong.
  17. for all people tried to paint him as socialist muslim, the dude is centrist to the point of pissing off a lot of libruls. when will the Republicans be able to offer someone who doesn't pander to the looney vote? perhaps when they do they might win. They just won in 2010. WOW! DIDN'T KNOW THEY ELECTED A PRESIDENT LAST YEAR! GREAT JOB! WAY TO GO!
  18. How about this though! http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia-pacific/top-us-military-official-meets-chinese-counterpart-in-beijing/2011/07/10/gIQAb8z57H_story.html?fb_ref=NetworkNews&fb_source=profile_multiline
  19. for all people tried to paint him as socialist muslim, the dude is centrist to the point of pissing off a lot of libruls. when will the Republicans be able to offer someone who doesn't pander to the looney vote? perhaps when they do they might win.
  20. jesus! put words in your own mouth why don't ya?
  21. privatizing the parks completely is the only answer. sell them off to multinational corporations to pay down the national debt. only the free market can efficiently manage these resources, and extract the valuable deposits contained there in.
  22. olyclimber

    old school

  23. after watching this video 6 times, i'm starting to realize how hard it is to be a professional video editor. ITS HARD.
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