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Everything posted by kioti

  1. I'd like to hit it, but I don't think the conditions are at all ideal. Unless you like volcanic choss.
  2. Have you skied any other Atomic Skis. They mostly went through a rebranding more than anything. I believe that the Janak is the TM-x with new graphics. It skis like it anyways. If you are a fairly aggressive skier, you should be fine. In my experience, get these the next size down from what you first think. I would usually ski a 184 in this one, but the 177 is way better for me.
  3. Mt Hardware makes a similar shirt called the offwidth, great price on it (I think you can find Spring's version on sale, because they are changing it slightly (I think?)) something around 80 retail, maybe 60 on sale?
  4. They're pretty sexy, though. They'd look good popping!
  5. LaFuma is the worst at giving their bags misleading names. (with the exception of the one kilo bag). I tested a bag, the warm n' light 800 confort. I assumed that the 800 stood for the down quality, nope its 650. Where the hell does that number come from? Aparently it's the weight in grams, ugh. Overall, I wasn't impressed with the quality, shell material, down fill (I still don't think it was 650). The only thing that is impressive is the price, but you can get a cheap marmot down bag for a similar price and have a company in the states.
  6. why are you getting rid of the best pants ever?
  7. Shoulda gotten the Petzl Reversino (the smaller version of the reverso for thin ropes). Mine has worked awesome so far.
  8. Why did you buy them in the first place if your Pro Ice's Rock so. Are you planning any multi-day trips in the future? A trip where you'll actually use them to their advantage? If not, return them. Or give them to me if you feel guilty about returning them
  9. I have a pair of Montrail Lotus boots. They are light, waterproof and pretty comfortable. It seems that the sizing is a little off on them, as I wear a 11.5 in that boot, but did buy them to fit a thick sock in. Downside to montrails now is that their crampons are recalled. I've used the BD Sabretooth crampons with my boots, and the fit isn't amazing, it works though. The heel of the sole is very rounded, making the posts on the crampon tough to get on. A little action with the pliers will do the job though. There are also two metal peices on the bottom of the boot, these are designed to fit the montrail crampons. They can get a little skittish when you're jumping across scree. You have to be very aware of them there, otherwise you'll land on one and have to regain balance.Plenty comfortable to hike in though. I got these boots because I was having problems with other boots crunching my toes. (scarpa Freney Pro) I wish I waited a few more months though. I really like La Sportiva's Trango series. I would have gone with the extreme, but the EVO S would do the job for you. I think it is even lighter than my montrails too. Go try some boots on, find the boot that doesn't chew up you toes and heels, then you'll be in business. I've bought boots because I thought they were cool (Scarpa Freney Pro) but they didn't fit. The Montrails are cool, but they don't get me excited the same way. But they sure as hell fit a lot better. Alan
  10. I saw the sign the other day too, I tried to pop in but the door was locked during regular business hours, The people inside just looked at me...
  11. I've been enjoying the Gregory Exo-Series packs (I have the Ekko). The pack moves with you well, Seems to carry everything I need well (except a shovel), and is super comfy. It is a bit heavier than some, but I've had it loaded with plenty of stuff before and it didn't break my back. My ultimate recommendation would be to go to your local gear shop and try on some stuff. I don't know where exactly you're located, but here is my run down of shops in different regions. Portland- The Mountain Shop (US Outdoors blows) Olympia- Alpine Experience (great selection) Tacoma- Backpackers Supply (only REAL gear shop in town) Seattle- Feathered Friends Bellevue- Marmot Mtn Works Everett- Cascade Crags Any one of those shops will spend some time with you to find the right pack. Alan
  12. I've been impressed with Alpine Ex in olympia for their selection, But I think their service kinda sucks. A bit further north is Backpackers Supply in Tacoma. I used to work there, and I would have said, come see me. I would say pop in and see Aaron or Rob there. They both do some climbing. Aaron is more alpine, while Rob is more rock and aid. Both are pretty damn knowledgeable. They have (had?) the Trango Extreme Evo in stock, kick ass boot if it fits you. Good Luck!
  13. Yeah, K2's Website is crap. It also looks like we might be recalling different specs. I don't remember last years (and def. not 1st Gen) having that wide of a shovel... They added a little bit of marketing FAT to the ski it sounds like. Interesting that McLean is designing skis for k2, when he's working with BD, I wonder if Atomic doesn't want an american in their factory or something?
  14. It's not that I don't like to go fast. I felt like the 1st Gen. Shuksan ONLY went fast well. Lower speed were hard to load and jump turn IMO. Also I think the Shuksan's TR is closer to 21m
  15. They are pretty rockin' for a lightweight ski. They use a similar construction to some of the fischer XC skis. Basically they hollow out ribs in the wood core. To make up for the missing wood, they use a carbon top sheet. It makes a pretty stiff, light, rigid ski. Durability would be suspect though. I look at the HK as a great quiver ski to have dynafits on. But the Shuksan would be a better do it all ski...
  16. Does anyone know if Montrail will be re-releasing their crampons? I picked up a pair of Lotus GTX's a while back and have been using my sabertooths with them. Thinking about getting a forged point crampon, but like the idea of using the ICE system. Any word on that? PS Originally Montrail told me not to use the Sabretooth Crampons, after the recall, they endorse using the Sabretooth. Alan
  17. I think the shuksan is an awesome all around ski. Plenty stiff and torsionally rigid. With the older models I found that they like to go fast, but it seems like they solved that with the newer ones. I really liked my Havocs when I had them, and I'll also fully endorse the Naxo Binding. If you have a few extra bills in the pocket, the Dynastar 8000 is wicked. Same dimensions as the Shuksan, but lighter and stiffer. Uses a Sisal stiffener (Sisal is that same crap that some doormats are made of). A super fun ski, I've had it on hard pack on bachelor and knee deep in snowbird. Havn't had a chance to skin with it, but I don't see why it wouldn't perform as well as the shuksan. Its about 200 bucks more than the shuksan though. That might be the ski that I get next season, if the pocketbook will allow it.
  18. It seems that Suunto has a pretty sweet offering in the HRM game. Yeah the X6HR is awesome and get that if you have a spare $500. But they have a new one called the X3(just like the BMW you drive around) that retails for $150, but I've seen it cheaper at many different places. Ch-check it out
  19. Montrail Masai Running Shoes, they were super comfortable, but they pretty much disintegrated. On the plus side, montrail did replace them with another model. On the minus side, the shoes they replaced them with aren't nearly as comfortable or as flexible. *SIGH* For the most part though, I just avoid buying crap.
  20. HEY! I thought I heard barry was back in town. Unfortunatly I moved to Portland in June. Good to see you back near the Cascades. As for Sleeping Bag, I put a vote in for the Marmot Helium EQ. More expensive than the Spectre, but lighter, Water Resistant, and 900 fill down. WOO Alan
  21. This is a pair of shoes that isn't supposed to be downsized. I wear an 11, these are an 11, these are still too small for me. If anyone is a closet gym climber or sick ass boulderererer, you need these. I think they've been used 5 different times, for only a few attempts on problems. I feel the extra control, but only briefly before the pain sets in my toes or my arch cramps up. $50 OBO. I'm in Portland.
  22. I wear a 45 regularly but my marathons are 43.5 and fit great, couldn't imagine going bigger. I have a pair of 5.10 slippers that are 45 and I can't wear them. Anyone want to buy a pair of V10s?
  23. I second the Marathon. Unlined, cushy heel, holds up pretty well. just turns your feet yellow.
  24. Head south to Eugene area, Check out Silver Fall State Park. I havn't been there yet (just moved to Portland) but it sounds like there is a great trail there with 10 waterfalls, 4 of which you can walk behind. Alan
  25. Does anyone have experience with the crowds following the Moab Jeep Safari? I'll be arriving in Moab a few days after the official end of the event, just wondering if I'll have to fight off skeezy jeep sluts. Maybe I won't fight them off though.
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