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Posts posted by marylou

  1. Stefan said:

    I don't get the hints. I am clueless.


    I wonder if its that place south of the Miller River Campground but across the river. But I could be wrong.


    We were up in that neck of the woods a few weekends ago, and it looks like there's a LOT up there. Anyone want to say anything?

  2. No I'm reading it just fine. Why would a person bring a gun to downtown Seattle during the WTO?


    I *had* to be in there and I wasn't protesting. What's the gun going to protect me against? Rioters attacking a random credentialed person?

  3. OK, Veg, you want to argue this, argue it.


    Tell me how a gun would have helped me to get around and be safer during the WTO Ministerials. What exactly would it have protected me against?

  4. Yah, actually I was going to say something about this yesterday. I spent quite a bit of time downtown during WTO, and you really had to be looking for trouble to get in any. And during those four days a gun would have probably gotten you into more trouble than it could have potentially prevented. I think Greg's argument is weak.

  5. incubus said:

    some pointless and vulgar things


    Why does this guy insist on this sort of crap? He really does ruin every discussion, doesn't he?


    Back to the topic, or one of them anyway:

    What's the likelihood of the Boogey Man showing up at your door? Does this happen so frequently in our world that we need to be armed to deal with it? I've been burglarized a couple of times and the like, and it's really nothing more than an inconvenicence, and nothing a gun would have helped with anyway. Even if I had walked in on the burglars, there's no way in hell I'd have shot them. Get real!

  6. I live in Ballard and it is not so scary as to make me think I need to arm myself against the Boogey Man, who is going to come to my house and do lots of bad things.


    Where do people get these ideas about needing to protect themselves and their families against the Boogey Man, anyway? Seriously!

  7. Butter, salt, and CURRY.


    Yum, baby, yum.


    Use a good dried curry. I use "Sun Brand Madras Curry Powder" which I think to be the best of its type.



  8. iain said:

    "Pushing Tin" with John Cusak is the worst movie of all time. Please do not try to argue with me. There is simply no debate.


    The worst part is, it *should* have been a halfway pretty decent movie.



  9. Correctamundo on the roasting versus slicing and soaking of the eggplant for the Baba. thumbs_up.gif


    Incorrectamundo on the notion of soaking in salt water overnight. Why on earth would you do that? Ditto that on my personal thoughts on bolting. thumbs_down.gif

  10. Sphinx, what if it's in a place that is not a real campground? Does it count then? Sometimes I go places where they don't have an actual Campground Host....but it's vewwy skeewwy, and you have to go poop in the woods.


    Sleeping in ALL of your clothes is not better than sleeping in a CLEAN single layer of clothing. Doy.


    PPS. Iodine doesn't do the trick! Do your damn homework! rolleyes.gif

  11. Now I'm no alpinist, just a regular girl, but I've been lightening and lightening for the last few years, and I've learned a couple of things:


    Taking a lighter sleeping bag rated *right* at the temps you might encounter will lead you to freeze your butt off. I had a few shivery cold nights this year by trying to save a little weight on my choice of bag. Maybe it's because we women don't stay as warm as men, I don't know, but I'm starting to rethink that part of the system. Last night I slept under the stars in a 10 degree bag and the weight savings versus a tent was a good thing. It was a synthetic bag and only for one night so it was a good way to try that out. Wasn't half as bad as I expected, and it was a little chilly last night.


    Hats and gloves are way lighter than coats. I think a Primaloft vest might also be a good addition.


    Food always weighs too much. I wish food could both taste good and be light.


    A water filter weighs the same as a half liter of water. Even if you never get sick from Giardia, if you carry it, you spread it. Same with dogs, though if you bring them in the backcountry they are going to get into the water no matter what.


    Softshell stuff makes a reasonable sub for rain gear if you don't expect a lot. They make a lot of stuff out of softshell fabrics these days other than coats.

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