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Posts posted by marylou

  1. Greg_W said:



    Weird. This shatters several misconceptions I had about you: 1. that you are human, 2. that you weren't conceived in a lab from the spawn of Betty Friedan and Jimmy Hoffa.


    Well, I guess I learned something.


    You know, if I didn't have real parents, those two did do some pretty incredible things! I'd be proud to call Jim and Bets P and M. thumbs_up.gif

  2. Long day of being berated by a hack, made the entire department cranky. Show opening tonight, as usual under a bit of pressure to get it all finished. Day ended with me hauling ass to get one last project done shortly before curtain, at the behest of the road guy, just to be berated by the local lead for basically working hard and doing a good job.


    Been through a lot with the hack, but felt today that enough is enough and I don't really want to do the guy any favors. Put this in a context of a live performance though, and no matter how you feel, a show is a collaborative effort, so if you are a pro, you always come back to the fact that the show, to be the best it can be on any given day, has to get the best work you can throw at it. That is what it takes.


    So, at the end of my day, I felt a little philosophical about the whole thing. The guy is still a hack, and we still have a show to do. Just the way it is some days.

  3. in order, all work related






    All stagehands seem to have stupid nicknames. I can tell many entire stories about dumb backstage antics that never use the names Mommas gave us.

  4. Greg_W said:

    ....but I think this is a myopic view. Nation-building and empire-building are two entirely different things. If we wanted a 51st state, why not just take Peurto Rico or Guam? We already have both of those on the hook.


    This is a silly viewpoint and not one based in fact or logic.


    Does this mean you consider the occupation of Iraq by the US to be "nation building"?


    That's simply not what it could be....in the 2000 presidential debates, George W. Bush repeatedly ripped the Clinton-Gore foreign policy record. In Boston on Oct. 3, he declared that he and Al Gore "have a disagreement about the use of troops. He believes in nation-building." And what was Bush for instead? "I believe the role of the military is to fight and win war and, therefore, prevent war from happening in the first place." And so, he continued, his focus wouldn't be nation-building but rather "rebuilding the military power."


  5. wazzumountaineer said:

    yea, well, i found three 24oz PBRs just above the Timberline Lodge on Hood last November. Stuck right in the snow, glistening in the sun, just waiting for me... bigdrink.gif


    Hm, that reminds me of the beers we stashed four days earlier in the Miller River the other weekend....came back to find the bottles smashed by the side of the river and the beer all gone. madgo_ron.gif


    You sure those beers were homeless...or were they just home alone? wazzup.gif


    I just got another PM from him offering me a job as speechwriter in the offices of Beck's Superfantastico HubrisCo (nicknamed the Tool Shed by the staffers)...alas, I am already employed.... cry.gif

  6. I forgot that the speech was on so early yesterday and I unfortunately missed it. Can someone bring me up to date on the current excuse for invading/occupying Iraq, and also how we expect to get all of these UN member nations to go in and help out without giving any input on how this is to be done?


    Also is the Administration still using the situation over there as an excuse to hand out rebuilding contracts to Haliburton without any open bid process? Is anyone else getting seriously PISSED off about this!? madgo_ron.gif


    Beck said:




    I take a campout and turn it into a Corporate Tool-fest and people bitch about it.


    I chestbeat about my office and nobody even cares!


    I represent "the climbing communty" to Larry and his compatriots without seeing first if that is the will of the comunity and you guys bitch.


    Someone requests a grant for a computer from the City, they get it, I take credit for it, you guys don't care.


    I go to a lunch where there are elected officials, and no one cares.


    I lord over everyone and swing my hubris over my head like a modern-day caveman, and everyone laughs. Not with me. AT me.


    I make fun of people for volunteering at non-profits involved in stewardship issues, and no one sees the humor.


    I get really hammered at Pub Club, throw a chair, and can't even ride my bicycle, and everyone thinks I'm a sad pathetic guy.


    Aren't you guys my friends?



    Um, no. rolleyes.gif

  7. This thing's pretty cool, it's got the cable piece and lock to lock the top of the bag, and then the same weave as a Pac Safe for the body of the bag, except it's laminated in fabric. I don't think the thing is completely bomber by any stretch, but one more layer of security is always a help. thumbs_up.gif

  8. Okay, so only because of the context here am I compelled to tell this story. I hate to tell boring show biz stories but this one fits. A few years ago I was working a Beck show for the opening of the EMP and in support of his "Midnight Vultures" record. Ol' Beck was sound checking some song off of the aforementioned disc, the one with the big falsetto bit in it (I think it's called "Debra") and we were all marveling that he was doing that falsetto so good in sound check, especially since the SC was at like ten in the morning since it was this huge fectival show for EMP. Well then a sec later the sound engineer stops him in mid song, par for the course for a sound check, Beck the guy stops singing, and his voice just keeps on falsettoing! We all laughed yelrotflmao.gif because then we new the truth about Beck, he is one of those artists who uses what is euphemistically known in the business as "click track", the live preformance equivalent of bra- or trouser-stuffing.



  9. Does that mean I should not show up for work tomorrow morning? Maybe I could say I am having breakfast with the City Dogcatcher.


    I could put up a post about it after.

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