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Posts posted by marylou

  1. But I've compiled his comments on the MIOX pen in case anyone is pressed for time and can't read the whole thread:


    Beck said:




    the Miox pen (this thing works GREAT! I field tested it for MSR when it was being tested FOR the military , this thing makes chlorine dioxide out of table salt, an electrode, and a tiny electric current-

    size of a magic marker and easy to use, you can even use it in complete darkness without needing extra illumination...





    the jury may be OUT, but the US military is DOWN with the miox...


    but all chemical treatments require that time, mary biglou, this is an innovation in the delivery system.




    well, wouldn't cha know, the miox pen brews up sodium chloride solution


    and this is a time tested aspect of municipal water treatment as well...


    but you are right mary lou, sometimes you really want to filter the water, because it's so ugly.


    like drinking out of mud puddles...


    so, the miox pen is one of the true innovations from summer market,




    people already using chemical treatments, will like the long term reliability and ease of use of the Miox pen. I've tested it in the field before the military got theirs, and can say, the MIOX pen is a real innovation! from summer market this year.



  2. Beck said:

    ... the chinooks work pretty good, last time I flew in them... (And Dana Gleason sells packs to the Navy Seals, sometimes the military knows what they're doing)


    people already using chemical treatments, will like the long term reliability and ease of use of the Miox pen. I've tested it in the field before the military got theirs, and can say, the MIOX pen is a real innovation! from summer market this year.



    Beck has finally admitted to me that he did not actually attend the actual Summer Market. rolleyes.gif

  3. b-rock said:

    marylou said:

    I think if REI treated their retail employess a little better, and perhaps offered them full-time employment with benefits, all of this would be moot.


    Though of course that might drive up the retail PRICES a little bit... shocked.gif


    I think the problem runs far far deeper than that....



  4. Dude, if you get completely bent over something like this, you are going to be full of vitriol and bitterness later in life. And I'm just talking about the second half of your 20s. hellno3d.gif


    Funny you tell me that I am riding a high horse whilst bragging about the superior quality of your posts on an Internet discussion board. yelrotflmao.gif

  5. I think if REI treated their retail employess a little better, and perhaps offered them full-time employment with benefits, all of this would be moot.


    Though of course that might drive up the retail PRICES a little bit... shocked.gif

  6. Well, here's the deal. We all get cut off from time to time. Even if you did find this person, they probably wouldn't remember it. It's not worth the stress. grin.gif


    As for "your" topics...well.... rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

  7. Mine is an ugly color (don't tell Beck!), worn out, not the latest and greatest, but lemmetellya, it is a GREAT piece. One of the best. rockband.gif


    You know what would be cool? If there was a version with an EPIC shell. I bet that would rockband.gifrockband.gifrockband.gif. A little more water resistance, same light weight and great feel. Might cost a little more, but that would be the thing that would get me to replace mine.

  8. My family's been here for over a hundred years, so for a white person, I feel native enough to comment.


    Microsoft, like Boeing, Amazon and Starbucks, are all local companies. In most cases, I feel that they have lost their roots, but in all cases, I don't have a problem with them being here.


    What has been harder for me as a local has been this: People ostensably come here for the lifestyle (and the scenery) and then when they get here, they want to make it just like the place they came from, except with better scenery. Part of what makes this place what it is is the people who populated it (once again I am speaking in the Whitey revisionist way, sorry to any real natives) so why on earth would you want to change it wholesale into Kansas City, Los Angeles, or any other place? We have a unique, albeit subtle, culture here, and I for one am not willing to give it up to become like every other US city.

  9. Jon,


    I don't have my notes in front of me, but I am researching an article on this subject, and to the best of my recollection Iodine doesn't do the do on Crypto. I beleive that the only EPA approved tablet is the Katadyn Micropur, which has as its active ingredient Sodium Chloride. This is the same ingredient found in some droplets now available, but the Katadyn product appears to be the only one with the official EPA tests passed.


    As far as viruses are concerned, there is at least one EPA-certified water purifier on the market, made by First Need. It's ugly, bulky, and a couple ounces on the heavy side, but the flow rate is terrific, even on a gravity bag system. I did some flow testing with water pulled from fairly high on the White River (e.g. high particulate) and this filter never hiccupped.


    At the end of the day, though, one still has to consider the water sources on any given trip. A few days ago, I had to make clean some very muddy and mozzy larva infested water, and it would have been pretty hard to choke it down without running it through a physical water filter. I'm sure in different circumstances I'd have drunk the stuff, but the gross-out factor was still high, and I hadda use the stuff for cooking rather than drinking. That's a barrier to going entirely with a system that doesn't have a pretty tight filter as part of the cleaning process.

  10. Oh, don't let's do smackdown again. Ho hum. rolleyes.gif The MIOX was tested by the military for durability, and they have, in the past, also told their soldiers that lots of other things were perfectly safe. Personally, I have to reconcile with myself with the idea of not worrying about crypto anymore AND review the EPA data before I'm going to reccommend the cool-gizmo MIOX to anyone.

  11. The MIOX pen is only supposedly safe for crypto after 4 hours of sit time, so the jury is still out on that. The new MSR tents are pretty cool though. A fresh take on some very old ideers.


    The new BD tents made of EPIC look really cool, but it remains to be seen if they really keep the wet out when it's wet out.


    There are a couple of newish innovations in day pack designs that were pretty appealing, and Dead Bird has a couple of new fabrics they are doing nice things with. I'll be interested to see if people really pay $110 for a pair of shorts.


    Keen is definitely going to be the word on casual footwear, and were from what I could see the darling upstarts of the show.


    Speaking of casual, all your favorite tech clothing manufacturers have huge casual clothing lines coming out. Look forward to seeing high school kids who don't go outside wearing Cloudveil.


    Lynn Hill looked tired lugging that baby around in the carrier all weekend.


    Didn't get a Tori Allen action figure, had to go to a meeting. cry.gif

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