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Posts posted by marylou

  1. Thinker's dug up a lot of useful info on water safety. I'd like to add a few things on the local side of things.


    I recently did an interview with Dr. Marcia Goldoft, epidemiologist for the Washington State Department of Health, here are a few things I got from her:


    How many cases of Giardia and Crypto have been documented in Washington?


    Giardia: 510 in 2002. 20% from camping or other frontcountry/backountry activities, 24% after international travel.


    Crypto: 71 in '01 and 62 in '02. 8% from farm animals/agricultural sources, 22% after international travel.


    According to her, these numbers reflect a small fraction of actual cases. Stats are not complete in terms of sources of the bug, both because the D o H doesn't track the supposed source of every case, and also because I didn't need her to dig up every last piece for my purposes. They don't yet track what they loosely call "camping" with regard to Crypto.


    Health care professionals don't typically screen for Crypto, if you have an ntestinal bug that was contracted in the woods, it might not hurt to ask for that test.


    How many cysts does it take for a person to become infected?




    How long do the cysts live outside of water?


    They don't know the answer to this yet, but "weeks to months" is the current scientific thinking. Crypto is particularly hardy.


    There is now a cure for Crypto. It is called Nitazoxanide, brand name Alinia. It got FDA labeling in November of '02 for use in children. Children are especially suseptible to Crypto, apparently due to increased poop consumption. Alinia's manufacturer says that it is legal to prescribe the drug off-label for adults, and they've seen good results. Drug labeling is expensive and I imagine they won't do the deal to get it FDA approved for use in adults until the need for such reaches more of a critical mass.


    As far as the MIOX pen, well, it isn't my beloved product. That was someone else. I just saw one at the show and it looked interesting. Something new out there as another option. rolleyes.gif



  2. Well our trip plan would have taken us to the edge of the closure, and we'd probably have been fine. However, under the circumstances with regard to our party size, the uncertainty of our stopping points for the day, the fact that there is no staffing or money to fight this fire, blah blah woof woof, it simply has to be put off until next year. cry.gifcry.gif


    I guess we are going to do some variation of the Fred B. Alpine Lakes High Route, which looks pretty fun and a hella lot easier than the traverse.

  3. Christ almighty, that is some amazing Photoshop work! That's not Chris T you put in there with me though.


    That black dress you put me in is pretty ugly though. I would never wear that. Plus my hair has never been that long in my whole entire life. thumbs_down.gif

  4. Filter.


    Coupla Katadyn Micropur tabs as a backup.


    Iodine doesn't get crypto, and I think bleach hasn't been proven to get either cyst. I did the research on bleach at one point, but I can't remeber exactly what was wrong with bleach, but it didn't do enough to be really effective.


    Doesn't mean you'll get sick though, just increases the odds of it.



  5. There is a fire burning somewhere near Square Lake in the ALW. We have a traverse planned for this weekend in the area, wondering if anyone has been in the vicinity in the last couple of days. Looks like it's a pretty small fire, but there is a large closure area, and minimal staff available to control the blaze. Our planned trip is on top of the Wenatchee Mountain range, right on the border of the 2 counties. Some information has been obtained from the local fire authorities, but am more interested in an on-the-ground take on the sitchmo.



  6. CB, sounds like you were very fortunate. The talus is considered by some to be the "worst bone in the body to break." Two months after my accident I was still fully casted and non weight bearing, and I still didn't get a great result, though my current surgeons both agree that the original work wasn't done too shabbily.


    Scott, as far as your friend goes, heck I'd get a second opinion on a broken talus no matter how special the doc was who originally looked at it. It's no skin off my nose if he's happy with the medical opinion he got, but I've had a lot of docs look at mine over the years and opinions can vary widely--as can results.


    I will say that two of my friends declined to get second opinions on broken bones in the ankle area that they got from climbing accidents, and both are having some fairly persistent problems. Could they have been avoided? Hard to say, but it's a heck of a lot easier to fix it up now than later. The next major milestone with a damaged talus is a sub-talar fusion, in which the talus and the calc (heel) bone are fused together, and it's a very committing surgery with some future problems practically guaranteed.

  7. ryland_moore said:

    I am being sarcastic, but have had a GF on and off for 3 yrs. The main thing we fight about is me leaving every weekend to go climbing. Or it is hunting in the late Fall, and fishing in the Spring, and then climbing in between hunting and fishing weekends. I just do not enjoy going shopping, or picnicing, or taking walks, or having lazy days. She tells me that, " If you stay at home on a sunny day, you feel like you have wasted that day, when instead you should just be happy that you arer spending the day with me." Are all women like this? Am I being too selfish? Or are we just really different?


    I'm always surprised to read or hear of situations like this. Isn't "love of the outdoors" pretty high on your list of interests? My experience with being involved with people who don't share my love of the outdoors is that the relationships don't work out. Doesn't even matter if your ability levels or favorite activities are the same as far as I can tell. Currently we get out every weekend that I'm not working and he's not out of town, sometimes it's hardcore, and sometimes it's camping at the beach or lift serviced skiing, but it's always outside. If there's something one of us doesn't want to do, we go with other partners of whatever gender they happen to be.


    If you're in a solid, committed relationship, what on earth difference does it make?

  8. OK peeps, I have to say a thing or two.


    First of all , talking about who did what at this juncture is totally wrong and inappropriate. Banning would not make me mad.


    Second, Cobra insurance is really COBRA nsurance, and it's a federal law requiring employers to give you health insurance for 18 months after a layoff. The same insurance you had when you were employed, for 18 months. The deal is, you have to pay for it, and they can make you pay at a rate of 100% of what they were paying. That's typically what they do, but given the options, COBRA does not suck.


    Third, a broken talus is SERIOUS business. Why do I say this? Because seven years ago I, broke my talus. Other stuff got broken, but for seven years I have had pain, EVERY DAY, because of this injury. They apparently did a pretty good job on mine, but my life is changed forever for this injury. FOREVER. If my talus tale is not enough, ask Stefan how is talus is doing. He broke his last summer, as part of a very nasty accident, and he has problems.


    so, Scott,


    do your friend the biggest favor yet, even bigger than getting his sorry carcass to the hospital this weekend, and get him to Harborview for another opinion on the future of his talus. They have the best surgeons in the state there, and a whole gol darn clinic for the foot and ankle, and ankle surgeons too, for another look. Even though he has already had some work done, he needs to limp as fast as possible to see one of the people at the Foot and Ankle Clinic. I'm serious.


    Also if the doc says no weight bearing (typical for a talus) then no weight bearing. NONE. Not even a tiny bit. If I sound like a fanatic, well it's because I have lived through this.


    Also if your friend needs to talk to someone who has lived through this, PM me. It's a major deal, not just the accident, but the talus thing too, and I will talk to him or whatever.


    Godspeed to both of you. Sorry to hear you had a scary accident.

  9. I could say that...except for the time today when my bag of tools, complete with car keys and wallet....took a walk. madgo_ron.gif


    Just wish I'd had left at least my wallet in my car so that they'd only gotten my tools and keys....and the brand new pair of Serengetis. madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif


    On the topic, I think one of these little safe things would add an extra layer of security if it was properly hidden. It's not that wimpy, and in my experience, aircraft cable is a pain to cut with the wrong tool.

  10. Sphinx said:

    here's a quote:


    "A zebra does not change its spots." -- Al Gore


    yellaf.gif No wonder he lost. yellaf.gif


    He probably did it on purpose. Mixing metaphors is standard wit fare for some people. rolleyes.gif


    He didn't actually "lose" the election, as they didn't count all the ballots in Florida. The election was rigged. thumbs_down.gif

  11. Rob, there's no need to get snarky with me. I was asking about the cable. You don'wanna answer the ? I asked, well....? Fine.


    The company has a couple of small pieces that have that pacsafe weave integrated into fabric, them made into small lockable drawbag. Seems like it might be a good way to add another layer of security for those things you don't want to take with you-perhaps phone, faceplate, registration/insurance. Then discreetly lock it somewhere on or off your car. Might not be something I'd buy for myself, but I bet my mom would buy me one for Christmas if I really wanted one.

  12. Ok, if it matters so much, I was wondering about the security of one of the Pacsafe bags. Sorry I don't have a link for you, my big box is in the shop and I'm plinking away on my laptop. Seriously, it wasn't a matter of withholding information. I'm not looking for a lot of information and I didn't want to focus on other issues surrounding TH security.

  13. Ursa_Eagle said:

    marylou said:

    I give up. tongue.gif


    well, you never did give us anymore information... what do the wires do? wrap around your car? protect something inside the car? are they somehow tied to a bedpost?


    I was just wondering as to how much trouble people think a car prowler at a TH might have with 1/8 inch aircraft cable. That's all.

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